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Everything posted by Saishu

  1. Saishu

    We are all the new X Japan album.
  2. Wouldn't even call it collabs, it's just pre-existing studio tracks with other vocalists dubbed over them. It's kind of lazy and makes me wish there was just a regular, cheaper, and more easily acquired edition that's just the album itself. But, you know. Art or whatever.
  3. Album is great. Second disc is mostly horse shit.
  4. Saishu

    Good, I was due for another train wreck from Jin.
  5. Saishu

    Man, Tool has been promising a new album for years now, but at least they have the balls to say it's just not fucking done.
  7. Saishu

    Because he was mizerable.
  8. Saishu

    I mean, honestly, given how most tribute albums go, this could very well just be bands covering the singles. And if it ends up being, like, Sukekiyo cranks out some ethereal post-rock version of Falling Down I'm going to shit my pants.
  9. Saishu

    I hope Sukekiyo covers Mama and it just ends up being their own Mama.
  10. Saishu

    Bottom line is these bands are going to play whatever goddamn songs they want to play.
  11. Saishu

    Sukekiyo is a surprise since I was under the assumption DEG and MUCC didn't get along. Probably just more fangirl horseshit. I could see Sukekiyo covering "Shishite Katamari". It'll definitely be one of the early era tracks though.
  12. Saishu

    Luna Sea is probably releasing another album to show Yoshiki that it's really not that hard.
  13. Mika is seriously one of the best drummers in VK.
  14. Saishu

    A WILL has one good song and these mofos are splitting it into two parts? The fuck is this?
  15. Saishu

    "Best of" compilations are easy money makers. The one distinction here is that all the songs are rerecorded, but at the same time they didn't bother getting a sound engineer and the band did it all themselves. To me the whole thing sounds rushed, and I'm also inclined to believe that Kai didn't even play on it. Sounds like programmed drums to me.
  16. Saishu

    Most of the members aren't solely about DEG anymore, that could be part of it. That and they're at the point where they don't feel like they need to be constantly releasing something. They've been a band for 20 years, so if they aren't burnt out yet, I Image they would slow down to keep it from happening. And I get the feeling they don't have their sights set on the West much anymore.
  17. You said two albums before Arche and a chain of self-covers, which kind of implies that you're referring to Uroboros and DSS and not including The Unraveling as an album. Which you shouldn't, cuz it isn't. But whatever yourself, Capt. Cranky Chipshoulder.
  18. Oh. Never heard someone call Uroboros "horrendous". Interesting.
  19. He isn't? Isn't DEG literally just this peppered with growls and screeches?
  20. Saishu

    Decadance is the only Mejibray song I like. Fuckers didn't even play it.
  21. Saishu

    Can we all acknowledge that flying out to Japan to see Mejibray live in order to give a "credible" opinion is rather absurd? "I don't like this band." "But you didn't see them live." "OF COURSE I DIDNT! THEY PLAY IN VENUES THOUSANDS OF MILES AWAY FROM WHERE I LIVE! WTF?!"
  22. Saishu

    For what it's worth, Satsuki made me cringe deep inside myself as well. Fuck this shit, even with Mika back there. Just fuck it.
  23. Saishu

    I think I've said it here before, but the average Japanese person doesn't know DEG or even half the bands we talk about here. And let's be honest, these bands aren't exactly popular in the west either. But the western fan base is ridiculously rabid in the way they idolize jrock artists, and it happens in condensed, close knit online communities like this one. It gives the illusion that these bands are the biggest thing in the world.
  24. If it's just the same Mama that's on Immortalis with Gara's voice pasted over it that'll be lame as fuck.
  25. Saishu

    This is the movie or whatever that's using Seraph in the soundtrack. It's literally just clips from the film.
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