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Status Updates posted by Suuu

  1. back from the BLACK WING tour, still needing much sleep. but t was a good first EU tour.
    knowing so many people enjoyed the concerts k makes everything worthwhile

    1. WhirlingBlack


      How did it sell? Was there decently sized audiences? And did your notice that any country stood out from the rest in regards to attendance? 

    2. suji


      I'm glad everything went well with the tour, despite some brief technical difficulties. (I apologize for my initial comments about that btw). I hope you're able to make more tours for more bands, because you're doing great! ❤

  2. 3 big meetings on the 13th, 14th and 15th! Hoping for great results

  3. Thanks everyone for the support and condolences over my loss of a dear friend yesterday. despite that yesterdays initial meeting went well, after tomorrows follow up meeting I hope I will be able to announce the new band V STAR PROMOTION will be working closely with!.

    1. tetsu_sama69


      Good to hear the meeting went well!

  4. big Deviloof announcement coming in just a few minutes!

  5. Just finished editing a new english comment video. It just needs to get approval from the band, so hopefully it can be made public by tomorrow!

    1. PsychoΔelica


      You are editing yourself? What program do you use?

    1. Suuu


      Check out the link to be sent to the project information on Tumblr

  6. Time is growing closer to the big announcment!

    look forward to it everybody!

  7. Big announcment made!

    We are going international!!!!!

    1. -NOVA-


      OMG thats amazing :D congratulations, unfortunately im in Los Angeles so i don't think ill be able to go but non the less congratulations to you and RIR :) 

  8. I apologize for my recent absence, a few personal life issues forced me to have a slight holiday.
    but from today I am back to work with way too many things I need to catch up on.

    1. -NOVA-


      Youve done incredible things for the bands and us in such a short amount of time, the time off was well dezerved and also super glad that your back :)

  9. New Deviloof video, be sure not to miss it~!


    1. Yukimoto


      HAHA that dance though

  10. Yesterday a MORRIGAN English comment video was filmed, look forward to it coming soon~!

    1. -NOVA-


      omg yessss <3 

  11. New comment video processing compete - should be uploaded within the next 12 to 24 hours

  12. important meeting later today, hopefully a announcement can be made soon

  13. Preparing to take photos for MORRIGAN in a few minutes!

  14. Announcements coming within the next few hours!

  15. counting down the hours and minutes to the publication of Deviloof's new photos and music!

  16. I am trying to set up a new facebook for a band, but suddenly Facebook has a porblem with a band name being written in all capitals and the word Official....despite the fact that the BLAZE facebook is titled BLAZE Official....consistency please facebook! ....... Anyway this means a new official Facebook for fans to look forward to as soon as these issues are sorted.

  17. Just filmed the first English comment for Deviloof, I promise it's going to be an interesting watch! I will try to process it and upload it as soon as possible!

  18. watching the video footage now, this upcoming Deviloof comment is by far the my favorite video comment I have filmed yet

  19. Now that I have all of the data, the Deviloof comment is almost ready~!

  20. Tired as fuck, but I really enjoyed today.

    As much as I truly do enjoy working on things for V STAR I think I will need to start taking more of these forced holidays, just so I don't burn out...

  21. V STAR PROMOTION website and web shop are back online, and to thank everybody for their continued support, we are holding a 24hour sale!

    check it out!


  22. Be sure not to miss out on V STAR PROMOTION's 24 hour sale!



  23. New English Deviloof comment video will be up at 5pm Japanese time tonight~!

  24. I try my best to avoid making personal statements, but I would like to personally apologize for the current Jaldan situation.

    Jaldan is a band that I myself saw great potential in, which is why I decided to work hard to push them, and i was planning to put as much V STAR power behind them as possible.
    there are some things we have made that are unreleased, and we had many plans in the future.
    even now i believe in all the potential they held.

    I myself and very saddened by this situation, as I can not help but imagine the future they could have had, but I respect their decision and wish all members all the best in their futures.

    To everyone who supported Jaldan for this short time until now, thank you for your support...

    I'm sorry for the disappointment...

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