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Posts posted by Alkaloid

  1. Gotten replies from Tara/Teriten (Hoshi no House) and Kou (Lilt), favorites from LiRu (Anemone) and Shade (Azero) and Kyouka (Insanity Injection) liked a few pictures on my Instagram (including a selfie). And like a hundred Twitter/Instagram follow-backs but I don't think those count.

  2. BASH! - クサレゲドウ (Kusaregedou)

    Especially because their next single was called POP CANDY.


    UNiTE. - world wide wish

    Even though UNiTE. are already on here, still a good example of how awesomely heavy they can be.


    昨日までの今日に無ィ明日。 (NiAS) - catharsis

    Also a bit of a stretch, but with two ex-HiMeDOKI members, it's a bit surprising.

  3. Post-first episode impressions:

    Acid: Love the look, Not a fan of the personality.

    Bob: Hilarious.

    Chi Chi: Precious Sunflower.

    Cynthia: Completely insane, which is a compliment.

    Dax: Love her look in and out of drag. Hope she gets shown more.

    Derrick: One trick pony.

    Kim: Adorable, creative, just awesome.

    Laila: Love her hot topic goth aesthetic and we are pretty much the same person in terms of being shy and awkward and thinking camo is one of the worst things ever.

    Naomi: I would kill for her legs like oh my god

    Naysha: Bitch how do you come on the show not knowing how to sew??? Has that worked for anyone? (except Adore, but she knew how to create a look.)

    Robbie: Needs to get off her high horse.

    Thorgy: Seems like a fun person to be around.

    All in all, I'm super pumped about this season!!!

    Let's hope there's no bullshit eliminations like last season...

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