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Everything posted by Alkaloid

  1. Alkaloid

    I'm curious about them covering 中毒性ガタnoise.
  2. Yay Ran's back!!!! Even if only for a little while.
  3. Alkaloid

    The bassist with the traffic cone on his head is my spirit animal.
  4. Is Mercury in retrograde or something? This is insane!

    1. nekkichi


      it actually is, lol

    2. Alkaloid


      OH MY GOD

  5. Shiori isn't leaving though? He's pausing activities due to his cancer treatments.
  6. Alkaloid

    This sounds fucking AWESOME!!!!!
  7. does anyone else here watch project runway and is anyone else is pissed about this season as i am?

  8. Alkaloid

    Fumiyuki (Rain) Such a great deep voice. It's such a shame he passed away, nonetheless so young. Yuhma (Luzmelt) Kyouki (Reload/Grieva)
  9. Alkaloid

    勇弥 (Yuuya) (ex-The Vivered-->Re:KiD)?
  10. Yay Trombe's back!!!

  11. They went on hiatus because their bassist and drummer left. But they're back
  12. ex- 少年記 (Shounenki) members new band 黒姫の夢遊病 (Kurohime no Muyuubyou) will hold their first one-man live on 5/13/2016 at Shibuya REX. Vo. リィザ (Riza) (ex-少年記 (Shounenki) (コウ/Kou), also in 白日ノ夢 (Hakujitsu no Yume) (セラ/Sera)) Gu. ゼル (Zeru) (ex-少年記 (Shounenki) (Nao) http://kurohime.jp/
  13. Sounds great! Their last single was kind of a mess so this sounds like they're going in the right direction. I'm also 99% the teacher is Rame (BFN). Also, new look:
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