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Everything posted by suji

  1. ugh i love looks like these but...dude needs to ditch the photoshop, or at least hire a professional
  2. マイナス人生オーケストラ (Minus Jinsei Orchestra) will disband on June 2, 2019. The band came to this decision after repeated talks in which a member wanted to withdraw.
  3. i don't know if this holds any significance, but they're only following the staff account of 即ち性。 (Sunawachi Saga.) right now...
  4. new band "#パロル" (#parole) has formed and they will begin activities on March 30, 2019. According to their description, they are paying homage to 2000s osare kei~ More details will be revealed in 2019... Twitter
  5. suji

    @zetork I really appreciate you taking the time to give us updates on these smaller bands!
  6. suji

    vistlip have postponed several dates from their oneman tour as of December 2 as vocalist 智 (Tomo) has suffered a collapsed lung. The following dates have been postponed at this time: 12/2 福岡BEAT STATION公演 12/8 金沢EIGHT HALL公演 12/9 大阪BIG CAT公演 12/14 仙台RENSA公演 12/17 札幌ペニーレーン24公演 12/22 名古屋DIAMOND HALL公演 https://vistlip.com/contents/211142
  7. SPOOK JACK 2nd album will be released soon... Amazingly, vocalist Jack Spooky had started work on this album as soon as his first album "Personified Pain" dropped back in August. He's hopeful for a December 22 release date just in time for his twoman live with SHILFEE. For now, a new PV, "REDRUM" has dropped today, check it out!
  8. My list isn't as varied as I just started using Spotify this year and most of the music I listen to I've already bought or listen to on iTunes ;w; Better than scouring the web for some obscure Sotis Volanis albums...
  9. suji

    MERRY - sheeple Ariabl'eyeS - Ballade Arrange Album "転生アプリオリ"
  10. i believe it's "kyouou"(???)
  11. 遺伝子組換こども会(idenshikumikae kodomokai) will revive for one day at Sho Kiryuin (Golden Bomber) solo live at Umeda Club Quattro on February 5. Vo.Nobita will also hold a solo live at Sho's events on January 29 & 31.
  12. That figures lmao xD it all sounded hokey from the start.
  13. He's gonna work at a rabbit shop? woof, sucks for them tho lol, that was quick
  14. suji

    Wow, this look is way better than their previous one! More budget!
  15. Yukiya will also release a remastering of D≒SIRE's 1993 demotape, "DREAMS BURN DØWN" at his live on December 24 at Shinjuku Liquidroom.
  16. suji

    Actually they suspended live activity because the bassist left. The members still want to be together but they want to take the band in a new direction, it seems.
  17. suji

    Sounds about right for a band with this name.
  18. 自販機でコーヒー押したらおしるこが出てきちゃった盤 (Jihanki de Coffee Oshitara wo Shiruko ga Detekichatta-ban) 冬のコンポタージュ暖かいんだから盤 (Fuyu no Corn Potage Attakaindakara-ban)
  19. suji

    welp u were close :<
  20. カラビンカ (kalavinka) new single, "潮騒と春雪" (Shiosai to Shunsetsu) will be released at their live on December 5 [tracklist] 1. 潮騒と春雪 (shiosai to shunsetsu) 2. 寄生虫 (Kiseichū) 3. 青年の蹉跌 (Seinen no satetsu) 4. 路傍の花 (Robō no hana)
  21. tumblr is banning porn....there goes my use of tumblr other than running my band blogs 💔

    1. Wakarimashita


      Guess we'll have to download all the pr0n now that we still can!

    2. suji


      Or maybe go back to getting dirty magazines!! #MakePlayboyGreatAgain

    3. karai · ebi

      karai · ebi

      We're all going back to the days of zines for niche shit, I mean I'm already back scrounging through individuals blogspots for one mp3 like it's 2002 since torrents also took the piss so...hello past, I did not miss you.

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  22. SLIVER. will pause activities after their oneman live on March 29.
  23. suji

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