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Everything posted by suji

  1. 即ち性。(sunawachi saga.) will release a new visual in February 2019. Later on, they'll distribute a new single at their free oneman live on March 30, and will release their official first maxi-single (3 tracks) on April 20.
  2. ^ REVIVAL first digital single, "LIAR/THE END OF THE WORLD" has been released on December 1. Not quite sure if members of Black Murder are also involved in this project. 2nd digital release, "最後の君と最後の僕で..." is slated for a Christmas Eve release. LIAR/THE END OF THE WORLD sample:
  3. 即ち性。(sunawachi saga.) is currently recruiting a support bassist, regardless of experience
  4. suji

    Then they changed it to something even worse - GzNDLH (pronounced Gandora!)
  5. suji

    Then why are they calling it a "last live"? It's indeed strange how they're not actually saying they're disbanding, even though it sounds a lot like it.
  6. Magistina Saga will collaborate with various artists for their collaboration CD, "COCREATION BANQUET", which will be released on January 18 at their live at Bigtwin Diner Shovel and through mail-order for 2000 yen. "COCREATION BANQUET" tracklist: 1. Promise (Magistina Saga) (lyrics: Iori, compose: Urugi (Magistina Saga) original by Magistina Saga) 2. Real (Magistina Saga & ラガディ (RGDY)) (lyrics: 條蒐, compose: 條蒐, 㮈灯 (RGDY) original by YAMAL (Magistina Saga)) 3. Realize (& LA bate) (lyrics: Yanagi (LA bate), compose: Urugi (Magistina Saga) original by Saw (Magistina Saga)) 4. L'oiseau Bleu (& The Ghost Inside of Me) (lyrics & compose: BAN (The Ghost Inside of Me) original by YAMAL (Magistina Saga)) https://lineblog.me/m_saga_blog/archives/1491261.html
  7. suji

    KRAD has announced that they will hold their last live on February 1 at Ikebukuro BlackHole. Their last twoman live with Mamireta will be held on January 31 at Shinjuku club Science. As of this post, it is currently unclear whether this is a temporary pause, or an actual disbandment. https://ameblo.jp/krad-official/entry-12426369320.html?timestamp=1544961700
  8. suji

    Moved to Lyrics forum.
  9. suji

    This is the band with the one armed bassist? :0 edit: well technically it looks more like he's missing a hand
  10. suji

    oh yeah, [-Ad-]!
  11. suji

    oh lord. there's a bunch of bands with terrible names, especially new ones. i'm gonna challenge myself and list 20+ from the top of my head (they're not ranked btw) Houts Chicktak Chic Boy An Cafe/Antic Cafe??? cuz I never know what they're actually called Xaoce (pronounced CHAOS) LA bate RIMCAT Rides in Revellion (...) nuvɔ:gu (new vogue) D, S, M, etc. Sadies Marry nano Mother ted [email protected] BLESS THIS MESS SUPER BOYS Black Gene for the Next Scene Initial'L Tear City DIERRY CALL Frantic EMIRY グラビティ↗↗楽しさ♪FULLVOLTAAAGE!!! *
  12. it has been announced that solo artist 春雪-sakura-‏ has passed away recently - I assume he died on December 11 as his last tweet was on that date. His funeral was held on December 15. From what I researched, he did some support work for GateNo.14 and participated in some CROW MUSIC events. His own sponsored event was to have been held on the 18th.
  13. suji

    and of course it's growing on me. my critique still stands tho, but I'll still check it out if it leaks.
  14. @chipathy in the future, could you go ahead and make an artist thread for these guys in the Artist forum? this news thread is only for actual updates on the band, until they release something new. thanks, and sorry for the inconvenience.
  15. suji

    dear santa, pls bring me a girlfriend for christmas. thank u. ;w;
  16. KØU (ex-CLØWD) will commence solo activities at his first live on February 19 at TSUTAYA O-WEST. He'll also follow up with an acoustic live in March. His first single, "DAYLIGHT" is slated to be released later that month.
  17. suji

    What info? 🔍
  18. suji

    I love how 90s sounding this is (especially Deep Inside), but what kills it for me is that whiney voice and lack of oomph in the production. I hope they improve after this release.
  19. vote this up pls: https://www.last.fm/music/glamscure/+images/9c0868dd77ae06ddbab56b2d0c9f489a
  20. new band, "チクタク" (CHICKTAK) has formed and they will hold their first live on January 19 at 福岡天神graf. In other news I'm entirely disappointed that they didn't go with "Tick Tock" but then again I'm relieved...I mean, just look at them... [lineup] Vo.サチ (sachi) Gt.冬 (fuyu) Ba.隼 (jun) Dr.八咫 (yata) OHP Twitter
  21. After 12 years of nonstop activity, BULL ZEICHEN 88 will pause activities after their live on December 18, but have assured that they will return next year. http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1sqofpt
  22. suji

    🔯my predictions:🔯 ♥raizo (ex-scarlet valse, lafflesia) will a) bring back lafflesia, or b) make another band but it's similar in sound 🙏🙏🙏 (I swear, this bitch is talented and I strongly believe he only joined SV just to get his name out there, which is why his time there was so short. He is one of the few vk dudes that I legitimately stan & is actually pretty talented and "original" (hardy harr), and his compositions are fucking beautiful. I'm really looking forward to see what he does in 2019.) ♥merry's new mini-album better blow my motherfucking pussy away & snatch m-ology's wig or ELSE 💕💦 ♥david will release a few more singles rather than an album cuz sui needs that bangya money ✡💴 ♥k*saki will still get away with his crimes...👮‍♀️ ♥labaiser will disband because saya will either show up drunk & kiwamu kaisans them or he fucks up his voice permanently ♥la bate PLEASE DISBAND FOR THE LOVE OF GAWD 🛃💩🤡 ♥marco new single(s), maybe another mini-album, rei-rei will still slay this pussy 💕💦 ♥2nd phase of kaya's 15th anniversary project will involve prob another crowdfund for another new album, or some weird collab ♥liphlich will disband i'll add some more later but that's all i got on the top of my head for right now x 🌹
  23. suji

    It's that time of year again, where we make our annual end-of-the-year predictions! 2018 was rocked by some game changers such as KIZU and DIMLIM, the incredible debut of the legendary J-POP unit 8P-SB, the shocking departures from NOCTURNAL BLOODLUST, and the upcoming return of longtime band DuelJewel! What's in store for visual kei and Jrock in 2019?! Did you think vk 2018 was exciting or just a long snoozer? Or are we in for an apocalypse to kill this genre dead once and for all? Please make your predictions here, and be sure to mark off some that turn out to be true throughout the year!
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