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Everything posted by suji

  1. suji

    the man SPEAKS!!! and he's in a relationship [allegedly]!!!! it's almost as if he's an actual human being...remarkable
  2. These guys have a new look every single week, I swear...
  3. when the music is so bad that even the PV itself is shitty...fantastic i mean, what was up with that camerawork? it was fast in some parts, & in others, they were moving in slow motion, particularly the drummer. probably the worst one in a PV I've ever seen
  4. Thank you! I don't usually see announcements where a support member "joins" a band unless it's to be an official member
  5. suji

    What amateur was in the recording studio for this garbage? It's like they recorded this live and then put some synths over it to make it sound like it had actual production. It's really bad when the synths sound better than the band, and Danger Gang has been active for 15 years. This is sad.
  6. @Befafes moved your topic to the Rarezhut megathread ^^
  7. Sachiko is ex-Sunawachi Saga
  8. Looks like the drummer already left to join another weebkei band, Aural Coma.
  9. Could I see pics of the Labaiser and Megaromania flyers?
  10. The campaign has reached 170% (over 1.5 million yen). Kaya also specifies that DRESS will be released in 2 types (limited edition for crowdfunding donors, and regular edition for us mere mortals) and hints that there might be more "gorgeous and fabulous" things to come if the campaign reaches 300%... https://ameblo.jp/kaya-rose/entry-12425681357.html
  11. Dr.Hakuya (NightingeiL, La'veil Mizeria (support), etc.) will commence support activities with Labaiser starting at their live on January 22 throughout the following dates: 1/22 心斎橋Bigtwin Diner SHOVEL 1/23 HOLIDAY NEXT NAGOYA 2/4 HOLIDAY NEXT NAGOYA 2/5 心斎橋Bigtwin Diner SHOVEL 2/7 渋谷VUENOS
  12. DEZERT new double A-side single, "血液がない!(Ketsueki ga Nai!) / Stranger" (3 types) will be released on April 3. CD tracklist: 1.血液がない! (Ketsueki ga Nai!) 2.Stranger 3.(title tba) DVD: Limited edition/血液盤 (Ketsueki-ban) (2000 yen) : 3 songs from their tour at Zepp DiverCity on 2018.11.18 Limited edition/Stranger盤 (Stranger-ban) (2000 yen): PVs of "血液がない!" (Ketsueki ga Nai!) & "Stranger" Regular edition: (1200 yen) : N/A, CD only Those who preorder either limited edition will receive a tour invitation seal (?) for their tour "血液がない!" (Ketsueki ga Nai!) which runs from April 19 to June 22.
  13. Glad they got rid of those stupid boxes, but man that look is generic. Very underwhelming. Definitely kills the mystery gimmick they were going for.
  14. Ryuichi has been discharged from the hospital a couple of days earlier than planned, and he still feels pain when taking deep breaths. He will focus on his recovery as he will be exercising and walking to get his lungs back to normal.
  15. suji

    I guess so (& maybe also had connections), since he had a lot of in-depth info about these small bands.
  16. suji

    you should see the news guy that was here before (@Trombe), he covered a plethora of underground nobody bands
  17. Ryuichi Kawamura, vocalist of legendary visual kei band LUNA SEA, has underwent surgery on January 11 for lung adenocarcinoma, a type of lung cancer. https://lineblog.me/ryuichikawamura/archives/13212472.html
  18. suji

    Shinya will hold his birthday event on February 24 at Mt.RAINIER HALL. It is a two-part event; first part is SERAPH's ~Premium Showcase~ where I assume they'll perform or announce something, and the second part is a talk event with Shinya. Preorders for tickets are only limited to subscribers to Shinya Channel at this time.
  19. suji

    twitter, i think ur getting ur bands mixed up ;(
  20. suji

    Hi there! Glad you're finally posting after all this time and taking part in our little family here! Hope you enjoy MH!! ♥ If there's any questions or suggestions, please message me or any other mods with red/blue/green names! ^^
  21. After listening to the album on spotify, I take back everything I said, except the criticism on Saya's voice. He still sounds a bit tired and the instrumentals tend to get buried by the synths (Starwave's production is still to blame), but the album overall was great (of course I skipped the old songs and that dreadful Dystopia rerecording). Lust was probably the only song I didn't care for, and Period of tragedy became one of my favorite tracks overall. I have got to stop listening to samples since Starwave tends to fuck it up all of the time.
  22. #tbt to when people hated this band cuz of the vocalist
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