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Everything posted by suji

  1. Eins:Vier Vo.山田浩文 (Yoshida Hirofumi) and Gt.中村佳嗣 (Nakamura Yoshitsugu) acoustic unit, "yohiaco" will release their 2nd album, "kéɪn" on March 13, 2019 for 3000 yen. Accompanying the album's release will be a nationwide tour which will take place from March 17 through May 25. The unit was formed in February 2014 and their first album, "yohiaco" was released at live venues and their webshop in May 2016. Tumblr OHP Twitter
  2. They do make me think of Lebens Ende members... The vocalists definitely look similar: (even Lebens Ende's vo. name is Zetu ) And Lebens Ende Ba.Yukito & Zetu Gt.Maou Lebens Ende Gt.RIZ & Zetu Gt.Rinne tldr, this is ex-Lebens Ende members' new band
  3. I really like the sample! Nothing too special but it's pretty good! btw that shady bitch kicchy, I KNEW I recognized her somewhere!!!
  4. well, at least the vocalist is cute xD
  5. Rich motherfuckers I tell ya....or maybe Kaya stans are THAT crazy lmao
  6. well damn Well anyway, yeah the crowdfunding reached above its goal when it just fucking started. The site Muevo itself was even flooded with requests from overseas users who had trouble signing up, so they had to give them their email to instruct them on how to use the service since it's Japan-only. However, the "DRESS" mini-album (I don't even remember them saying it was a mini but ok) will be a full album IF the crowdfund reaches 200%.
  7. suji

    ^ the sale of these releases has also been extended to the Global shop, and a "Mage bag" (which includes Christmas cheki, a message from Sui dressed as a reindeer & Santa, & live venue items) is also available till 12/18 https://wizardglobal.stores.jp/
  8. Moved your post from the Dir en grey thread to this thread because the song has nothing to do with Dir en grey.
  9. suji

    +1. I also can't stand joke bands, especially Golden Bomber and Kaitou-whatever- the-fuck
  10. suji

    DANGER☆GANG's album has been made available at Like an Edison since 12/10! http://ktai.la-edison.com/pc/0188-rel.html
  11. suji

    Both versions of Rituals and the deluxe edition of 創生録Ⅰ~Birth and Confession~ have been made available at Wizard Store for a limited time until December 31 - at this time, this only applies to the Japanese store; I have inquired the staff whether this will be offered in the Global store.
  12. suji

    +1 on Mejibray tbh, they were terrible and so is their fandumb. I also can't stand Pentagon, 0.1 no Gosan, LA bate (REAL garbage tbh), The Raid, BP Records bands, and other pop bands. Also, I'd like to give Dir en grey a chance, but I can't help but get annoyed whenever I see anything about them, especially their even dumber fans. also Lycaon.....my younger vk noob self is c a c k l i n g at what they've become now 😈😈😈
  13. The release date is actually January 5
  14. ROSEMADDER new mini-album, "Death Teller" will be released at their live on December 22 support Ba.Jun (Valentine D.C.) will commence support, as previous support Ba.chiro has "graduated" on 11/12
  15. Dr.美優斗 (Miyuto) will depart from DictavE after their live on January 29
  16. suji

    sooo a new look then?
  17. Ba.魅燿 (miyou) did not appear at what would've been his last live with 即ち性。 (Sunawachi Saga.) on December 9 at Shinjuku Head Power. His profile has since been removed from the band's website and he has deleted his Twitter. I don't think Gt.幸子 (Sachiko) appeared either from what I could tell from the footage and pics. After much discussion, the band went on to perform with support Ba.瑞希氏 (mizuki) (ex-終始無言 (Shushi Mugon)). support Ba.じゅんじぃ (Junji) (ex-CASSIS, ジャルダン (Jaldan) (support)) will perform at their remaining 2018 lives on 12/23 & 12/31 However, the band appears to be continuing, as their tour schedule has been extended as far as December 2019.
  18. yall need to stop sleeping on eze:qul, they're great ♥

  19. I like it, but this would sound a lot better with some classical synths...
  20. Kaya has unveiled a new project, "Road to 15th Anniversary" to celebrate his upcoming 15th anniversary as a solo singer - which will be commemorated in 2 years. To commemorate the start of this project, a crowdfunding campaign has been made for the production of his new cover album, "DRESS" (presumably to be released in June 2019), which is a culmination of his past covers done at his CafeNOIR lives. Those who contribute are also able to request songs to be put on the album and will receive unique awards based on the amount of their contribution (up to 100,000 yen). The crowdfunding campaign will begin on December 13, and will end on February 28. Brief summary of rewards list: https://www.muevo.jp/campaigns/1661
  21. Kαin are currently on their oneman tour, "CARPE DIEM -MEMENtO…-" since 12/8, and will hold their tour final at 12/24 to celebrate their 11th anniversary and the 25th anniversary of D≒SIRE, whose members will make guest appearances during the tour. The tour final will also feature a special performance by D≒SIRE and Kαin will also feature support bass by kazu (gibkiy x3, the god and death stars, etc). Also, D≒SIRE new compilation(?) "25年前のデモをCD化したモノ" has been released on 12/8-9, and their past demos will be sold at their lives on 12/15-16 Kαin will also release a new demotape, "MEMENtO..." (which also comes with their own cassette player) at the tour final on 12/24 "MEMENtO..." tracklist: 1.BARREL 2.As you feel Tour schedule: 12/8 伏見JAMMIN’ 12/9 伏見JAMMIN’ 12/15 心斎橋FootRock&BEERS 12/16 アメリカ村BEYOND (ft. Kiyoshi & TETSU (ex-D≒SIRE)) Tour final - 12/24 新宿FACE (formerly Shinjuku Liquidroom) (ft. AKITO, HIRO, TETSU (ex-D≒SIRE))
  22. suji

    May I ask what is his band history? 🔍
  23. suji

    support members since 10/26: Gt.ケイト (keito) Gt.NAO (ex-LOCUS) Ba.ロキ (loki) Dr.スガ (suga) (The Uncrowned Union, Houts (support))
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