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Everything posted by suji

  1. suji

    more shat 👍
  2. suji

    reported and ignored for kinkshaming #triggered
  3. suji

    I like kissing 💋
  4. suji

    omg they're TOTALLY VK, u just don't understand #norwegiankei 🤘🤘🤘
  5. suji

    We need more bands in the US, goddammit. ♥♥♥
  6. tfw u get obsessed with 次世代エキサイト, a band that only released 4 singles in a span of 2 years 💔💔💔🔪🔪🔪

    1. IGM_Oficial


      And one of them is missing

    2. suji



  7. Happy birthday QWEEN!!! 👑🐑💕🎊 @crossparallel

    1. crossparallel


      thank you gorgeous <3

    2. suji


      :3 💕💕💕

  8. suji

    John is actually Sito ^^ he changed his name after he left Vanikill (and completely doesn't acknowledge them in his profile whatsoever lol)
  9. Damn, more new singles?! 😂 The red look is especially beautiful~
  10. omg what is this, a movie? lmao
  11. Kra concert dates for their release tour have been postponed due to Vo.景夕 (Keiyu)'s bronchitus The following dates have been postponed: Kra "Space Traveler" RELEASE LIVE TOUR 2016 Nagoya ell.FITS ALL: Oct 15 ➡ Dec 7 OSAKA MUSE: Oct 16 ➡ Dec 8 Fukuoka DRUM Be-1: Oct 18 ➡ May 20, 2017 Hiroshima SECOND CRUTCH: Oct 19 ➡ May 19, 2017 http://ameblo.jp/kra-official/entry-12209323435.html
  12. Found an interesting article today...from what I can understand, HOLYCLOCK Vo.龍太朗 (Ryutaro) is looking for his mother whom he hasn't seen since his parents divorced when he was only 4 years old. His father abused him during his childhood, and there is suicide mentioned, but I couldn't really understand what else happened...he has also hoped that his mother would appear at one of his concerts, but she never appeared...anyone willing to translate? http://news.mixi.jp/view_news.pl?id=4250812&media_id=159
  13. suji

    Setlist @ 10/22 SE SolitudeCry 深淵マリオネット KillerMephisto MC GallowsHumor delusion ADVANCE MC MeditationDOLL 絶望メルト AbyssClimb encore: ShiningRain 歪んだ月に映る君に BunnyGlide encore 2: ディスコサイズ 極彩地底パラダイス 毒サイケデリック
  14. A karaoke version of Deviloof?? Lmaooooo
  15. suji

  16. Can't exactly name a top 10 but I like: Synk;yet Labaiser LIV'ERT (pre-Starwave) MAJOLICA (pre-Starwave) Magistina Saga Calmando Qual (;~;) VELVET EDEN is also my guilty pleasure.............
  17. Tfw u get pissed off at ur fave for dyeing his hair blonde AGAIN ✂✂✂

  18. Live distributed albums are the biggest cocktease.......;-; I hope they don't disband.
  19. suji

    ebmort is my favorite news broadcaster.........................
  20. suji

    yaaaaaaaaaaaaassss~*~*~*~ I've actually bought my own copies of Koseiha Blend Classic & Modern Garde, since I love those songs so much ;w; they were so original back then (no t no shade), and it's a hell of a lot better than what they're doing now! I miss that guro side of Merry... Of course I got into them when Fukurou was released, so I listened to more of their recent stuff. Beautiful Freaks, M.E.R.R.Y., and Nu Chemical Rhetoric are some of my faves atm. ✨ I'm also curious as to what album their last two singles will lead to~
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