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Everything posted by suji

  1. suji

    because they're pussies who believe swearing is bad censorship is for pussies
  2. suji

    i am so kawaii 💕💕💕💕
  3. well, from what I've seen on his instagram, he does idolize Hazuki a LOT. x)
  4. suji

    I found the Tenten video on an old tanuki blog on LiveJournal; his face was never shown, it was just him fucking a girl from behind. the vid was just labeled as the Tenten sextape or whatever.
  5. suji

    I saw Tenten's video, he was filming himself fucking a girl.
  6. suji

    womp womp womp...
  7. suji

    me but with the rest of マルコ's discography.... i'd suck some dick for those tbh
  8. suji

    long live the motherfucking queen
  9. suji

    That's not bashing boo, that's just acknowledging the fact that Kisaki altered some track names, presumably without the band's permission.
  10. fuck it, getting my MERRY cds and another cd shipped today.


    Galaxy Broad sucks.

    1. suji


      and JUST when i get those shipped, FJ receives my MERRY shirt........dayum.

  11. suji

    *This pv is only included in type A (regular edition).
  12. Oh, a professionally-made sleeping bandmen photo~ nice 💤
  13. suji

  14. tfw ur order gets mixed up w/ someone else's, & u end up getting a jpop boy band pamphlet..........

    1. JRD


      I hope you get a YamaPi one. I wouldn't be mad if I got one.

    2. suji


      i hate yall omg

    3. suji


      @Seimeisenit was from a third party seller who gets stuff from various fanclubs. Apparently she had me mixed up with a girl who was signed up for a jpop fanclub and that's why I got that pamphlet...I hope there's a way I can send it back to her.

    4. Show next comments  663 more
  15. suji

    Both have changed names since then - personal blog superbardie is no longer in use. The visual kei blog was changed to my Megaromania/Lin blog, megaromagoria. As of recently, it's been changed to genesis-of-david and will be updated with news on Sui's solo project. I've since moved my personal blog to sheepprincessgara (has lots of porn reblogs) & made two new band blogs - my MERRY and マルコ (Marco) blogs.
  16. suji

    For my personal account, I'll only accept followers if I know you somewhat. I'm also on there all the time now x) I also have a public account, which some of you may know already: @sujiitter - not used very often, only for bandmen stalking purposes rn, but I hope to put up some of my collections for my website soon.
  17. Damn, my MERRY CD came to FJ early xD

  18. suji

    Gt.Yuiha has blogged about the situation, just basically going thru the band's troubles, how Rino's act was pure betrayal, and the fact that he himself will be the only guitarist. Here's the link if you're interested.
  19. suji

  20. suji

    I don't think so, the last day they tweeted about the release was just a couple of days ago, so I think CDJ is just being dumb & not selling it...weird.
  21. suji

    There's a difference between understanding people's behaviors and just being a dick - like you are right now. This ain't the first time you've mocked someone with anxiety either, so I don't buy that "lol I have anxiety too" bullshit. Maybe you can shut the fuck up and get your panties out of your ass.
  22. suji

    chiptune-kei.... oh god LEAVE THEM OUT OF THIS
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