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Everything posted by suji

  1. suji

    I'm gonna man up and try out some liquid lipsticks...
  2. A bad experiment...my hypothesis is that this band will dissolve in no time. I'll see myself out...
  3. ex-ALIVE Gu. 要 (Kaname) will officially retire after his last session live at SHIBUYA REX on April 8.
  4. Dr.1000 (ex-Tokami) session band will perform at Ikebukuro CYBER on April 29. He will perform with other ex-Tokami members (pre-Starwave). Tokami1000セッション lineup: Vo.響 (Hibiki) (THE HIGH GRIP, ex.Calmando Qual) Gt.シゲ (Shige) (ex-Tokami) Ba.いちか (Ichika) (ex-Tokami) Dr. Tokami1000 (ex-Tokami) http://ameblo.jp/tokami1000/archive4-201703.html
  5. Vo.RyNK will not be able to appear at their live on March 4 due to his influenza.
  6. ギガマウス (GIGAMOUS) Vo.式 (shiki) has departed early due to lack of communication with the rest of the band. Their remaining live dates will be performed by the remaining members.
  7. For the first time in 16 years, wyse has announced that they will go major this summer! In addition, they will also release a new album and go on a nationwide tour.
  8. suji

    I am in love 💕💕💕
  9. LADYBEARD (formerly in LADYBABY) has teamed up with female bodybuilder Reika Saiki to form their new kawaii group, "DEADLIFT LOLITA". They will debut their first song on March 31, and they will be releasing previews during the wait on their OHP. ♥ Kawaii x Muscles x Energy! ♥
  10. suji

    紅蝉 (benizemi) will disband after their last live at HOLIDAY OSAKA on May 26. http://ameblo.jp/benizemitomo/entry-12252442726.html?timestamp=1488373221
  11. Vo.Rui has fallen off the stage and broke his leg. He has decided to participate in their next live by sitting down.
  12. suji

    just let out your bandmen sex fantasies thru fanfiction/fanart ♥♥♥
  13. suji

    While I did say those words (I could've said worse, but of course I have common sense), I did not intend to attack anyone with those words, I was just making a point. I apologize for the misunderstanding.
  14. suji

    For MERRY, if you haven't got to check out their latest album, Nonsense Market, do so!! It's really good!! I also suggest listening to their latest singles Heijitsu no Onna and Kasa to Ame~ and if you wanna get a happier side of the band, well, Happy Life is really popular too.
  15. I'm glad you like them! I believe they're getting there bit by bit, since they've been touring with bigger bands recently, like chariots, Gallo, Pisarro, Sibilebashir, etc. (dunno how big these bands are in Japan, but I know they're pretty popular in comparison) But so far, they're still a bit unknown (especially overseas), and I really hope that changes soon. Marco is just too awesome to be shoved under the rug, just because they stand out from other bands.
  16. suji

    "Keyboard crusaders" weren't a thing when early hate crimes took place, boo. And of course you're gonna get some knickers twisted if there's actual gay people/nonwhite people reading your bullshit; you're probably a white girl anyway, and you were a Christian at one point, so of course you're not gonna understand our thinking.
  17. suji

    I don't give a fuck, they might as well have been bible-humpers, since they jack off to certain scriptures that they choose to follow so much that their cum has made the pages stick together. Have you forgotten about the Orlando shooting or the Charleston church shooting? The hate crimes that occur every single day in various countries? The hangings in the 20th century and earlier on??? You know who they were targeted against? The black and gays! Of course I'm throwing around the word f@g - aren't you ok with that word? You said it yourself, we can refer to these people (including myself) with that word, because it's an ~opinion~, we have to respect everyone's opinion, remember???? Why would you only stand up to one family, if there's other people who think the same way, and you're ok with that? That makes no sense.
  18. suji

    what the Fuck is up with you ppl being ok with bigots????? i don't get this mindset at all.............they've literally KILLED people because of the color of their skin or who they love, and you're OK WITH THAT?????????? bitch, go out into the world and see these people for who they are, encounter a racist who wants to shoot up the Negroes© or a bible-humping Christfag who tortured their kid in correction therapy for being a f@g, and then come back & let me know if you're really ~ok~ with that
  19. suji

    shit in his face
  20. Dr.恭平 (Kyouhei) will participate in the session band, "Crawling Chaos" at the event, 『東日本大震災復興支援EVENT ~Smile makes Smile~』, on March 11. "Crawling Chaos" lineup: Vo.Shion (ex.TesЯoa) Gu.nagisa (-jiji-) Ba.JR (乙女国家 (Otomekokka)) Dr.恭平 (Kyouhei) (マルコ (Marco))
  21. suji

    Gt. 茉浩-mahiro- has joined the band on March 1, 2017.
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