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Everything posted by emmny

  1. can i cheat and make it partially japanese (i'll probably do it anyway HEHEHE)
  2. at least they left on a really good note with psycho:lens, as rev says, im not too worried since its sou's baby and will be around in one form or another until he retires (hopefully!!!)
  3. emmny

    listen to sugar and you'll be cleansed of ur visualcore sins
  4. emmny

    i love the zange footage i told myself i'd stay away from avelcain lives but i CANT even if its messy its so fkin fun played at superspeed
  5. emmny

    bad drama = trolling = literally demons getting dragged for the mess that they are? oops! y'all don't know the least bit ww im so sad when my name gets dragged into trolling im fking mediocre compared to our lord and saviour Herpes i wish i was TRU troll.
  6. emmny

  7. emmny

    they're dead broke guys lets be happy they haven't disbanded yet LOL
  8. emmny

    22 songs is WEAK!! WHERES yurikago, ayatori, believe, yakuchuu n usotsuki?!?!?! now that i think about it the setlist isnt that bad, they played pretty much all of their good songs and left out the stinkers/b-sides
  9. commentary highlight reel: also im convinced everything sibilebashir do is some inside joke im never destined to understand (next level japanese pop-culture references? maybe) thanks for the live report as always!
  10. emmny

    the trombe goodbye thread will go down in history as the most wild drama filled thread since the kisaki tape scandal literally everyone more than 3 people have beef with are getting dragged...thank u ALL
  11. emmny

    idgaf even if trombe hacked my bandomen sama's tsunagari's line accounts to get news, nothing he did is exceptional considering he's probably devoted most of his spare time to looking up obscure news no one gives a flying fuck about, and if you think he does it for the community, you're entirely deluded. trombe never gave a fuck about any of you or news, he did what he did to prove that he was good at breaking news and he enjoyed his rank as a result of that. once his power was taken away, he was visibly upset. never once was he co-operative with staff in letting others post news. think of a child who has a skill that they can do very well, they'll do all in their power to show their skill to anyone who pays attention--once they find someone who does what they can do but better, they'll either adjust their skillset to improve or just stop. and god forbid someone tells the child their skill isn't appreciated anymore--they'll freak the fuck out. i hate to go all creepy psychology on you, but this is the mental complex of someone who literally scours the web for obscure news and tries to oppress all others who stop him. this is why he would bitch biweekly about news that no one commented on, because there wasn't any altruistic intent. he needed attention, and if he didn't get it he'd threaten to leave. that resulted in the ass kissers on here rubbing his ego, and he probably looked at those posts, giggled in some creepy room full of computers, and continued to go on tapping bandomen manager's phones to find info about a session that maybe 4 japanese girls would ever care to attend
  12. he needs to stop screaming like a retard i see their live footage and i can't believe how he does that every night at a live
  13. yeah i see red whenever i hear lycaon
  14. trombepocalypse...chose ur side.

    1. saishuu


      I hope everyone destroy themselves and die collectively

    2. Licio123


      @pinkmakonaI said the same thing, XD. He'll be back soon! 

    3. pinkmakona



    4. Show next comments  204 more
  15. emmny

    +1 on ryuhime whats also funny is that the people fighting back over this trombe mess are the ones that are actually gonna post NEWS while trombestans are out here thinking its the apocalypse while they do absolutely nothing worthwhile...smfh if ur beloved honmeiban is so fuckin obscure that they don't announce a live dist on any of these channels then you're probably knowledgeable in 2ch in the first place to find these obscure random dudes lol...
  16. that skinny guy was so HOT
  17. emmny

    you wanna be hoarded with 17 articles daily about some session bands no one cares about and some new grandpa band and then deal with bitching about how everyone is ungrateful lalalallala???quality>quantity. also its not a job its a fkin hobby trombe's power trip has gone on long enough. eitherway im happy trombe's run was as long as it was and hopefully he finds validation elsewhere.
  18. emmny

  19. emmny

    i wish they stuck utafumi on arche instead of the inferno and put tefutefu as a single in utafumi's place tefutefu totally has single potential and is fkin amazing i wish it got the attention it deserved.
  20. emmny

    imagine how crazy u gotta be to write this!
  21. emmny

    stlll the best dezert clone, love them ^>^
  22. emmny

    in all serious, no one really makes money unless they're major AND popular. hyde, yasu, gazette and diru make decent money but they're in the VERY vast minority.
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