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Everything posted by togz

  1. oh man too skinny noooooo ICE? *////*
  2. togz

    Honestly, you'd be an ideal person to work with, so if you're up for it... if it pans out.... I'd like to ask you *___* You're really open minded, enthusiastic, and you have a very good knowledge of many bands that I don't. I will send you a message!
  3. togz

    Well for now if it was only going to be me... I could either pre record certain things... and some how set a standard playlist. I do work a full-time job, but generally weekends or evening times after work I can dedicate time to it. It's definitely something that's going to have to be done with a handful of people. As much as I'd like to say i could do it all by myself, that would be incorrect. I'd also have to take timezones in to consideration...
  4. togz

    I have an actual recording mic that i can use, I'm pretty much just checking out again to see what options there are for a hosting site. Thank you for being willing to help :'D This is literally an idea I came up with a few hours ago and I was talking to CAT5 about it and decided to just make a post to see what other people thought.
  5. togz

    I am currently looking at hosting sites, but for now i'm just throwing the bait out there. It's only an idea, really it has to be approved by the admins and mods, as well as demanded by the people here for it to be worth it. Also if anyone has other suggestions of what kind of stuff to put on the radio show (if it happens again just an idea) feel free to contribute so I can add it to the main post.
  6. togz

    So I was thinking, I know we all like our jams and such, but with the recent activity of people sharing music genre's not everyone is familiar with and with everyone discovering new artists they like... I was wondering what people would think about like an online radio broadcast? Maybe it could include live reports for overseas countries that come directly from the users here. Or maybe you saw a show in Japan you'd like us to talk about on the radio show. We can also make reminder announcements for things going on with the site as well as up coming events related to the Japanese music scene. I personally have a collection of cds i don't mind using for give aways and things like that. And of course we can't forget the music part! Thoughts? Or is there anyone interested in helping with a radio broadcast? What do the mods think?
  7. RIP dorasuteika

    1. paradoxal


      my thoughts: who the fuck is distry- oh wait it's just dora XD

    2. Gaz


      2fancy :v

    3. togz


      Its JUST Dora lol nbd

    4. Show next comments  138 more
  8. togz

    Wull Hullo there and welcome to the MH. A great way to find new and interesting music, or maybe to even rediscover some of your favorites, I would recommend joining our trade off! It's really fun, and not only do you get to listen to new things, you get to share your favorite things too! We are also in chat sometimes, so feel welcome to stop by if you ever see a number up there over the chat link. Look forward to seeing you around! I'd say if you have any questions, feel free to ask... but I am horrible with directions... but I hear rumor that the people with either red or blue names generally tend to know the answers to just about anything. :'D
  9. togz

    -throws hands up in song and praise- I can feel you everywhere.
  10. togz

    I have two rats and when I get the food bag they become monkeys and crawl upside down on their cage. Also I thought your cats name was chili at first and that made me hungry
  11. togz

    see? Even God is on my side.
  12. togz

    Spanish music on the radio ;;
  13. togz

    I think it'd be cool but at the same time the human race needs to continue to do things for themselves regardless of how advanced technology becomes. Do you think we really will be able to live on Mars one day? Or do you think the earth will end before that happens? (Maybe not us but future generations?)
  14. togz

    [_vani;lla] ( hope that's correct their name was typed all weird )
  15. but i don't want to be an adult and clean my room.

  16. togz

    Black Gene for the Next Scene...... again =___=
  17. ... rest in peace Robin Williams. T___T You made my childhood glorious, and you'll be missed.

    1. CAT5


      A tragedy indeed.

  18. togz

    Misread sorry *^*
  19. togz

    WOW 10/10
  20. togz

  21. togz

    You guys are really good. I actually came across your video the other day on facebook thanks to a friend who thought I'd find it interesting. I was really impressed and I'm happy to see artists like you who are somewhat influenced by the vk/jrock scene doing so well!!! Please continue! I look forward to more news in the future and hope to enjoy you guys live one day *___*
  22. Hey thank you for this. I suck at kanji so i opened the lyric book and just kinda said "NOPE TOO LAZY TO TRY." So thank you for posting this!
  23. togz

  24. togz

    HERRO. I have seen you around lots but haven't talked to you too much. I know you pop in to the chat every once and a while. But it's nice to learn a bit more about your interests, so thank you for this introduction and I hope you continue to enjoy your time here and I hope that we may talk more in the near future.
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