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Everything posted by togz

  1. Yeah I was a little worried they wouldn't be able to pull it off to be honest. Haha. The encore chant was really impressive!!! No opening bands, just them. Which is surprising because i know often times a band needs an opening band for their first tour... but maybe they have a stronger following than I assumed before. A lot turned out for them back when they performed at AX but IA (vocaloid something) opened for them so that could have been a big deal too. They did play a show in NY and another location if I remember correctly, but it was a "TOUR" Hopefully they come back and offer a better selection in tour dates lol. thanks for reading!
  2. They didn't have the 100 season 3 on Netflix so I went and bought the DVD set and have been binge watching all day. Send help.



  4. I really need to stop procrastinating. I need to wake up in like 5 hours to get ready to leave for Warped but like... I also have to get stuff together. WHAT IS SLEEP. 

  5. I just started watching the 100 and .... Bellamy though. Huhuuuuu. Hey hi.

    1. doombox


      Things get real by the end of the season, and everyone starts to grow up real quick. XD I really enjoyed season 2 even more. 

    2. togz
    3. togz


      Haha I'm looking forward to watching more xD

    4. Show next comments  48 more
  6. togz

  7. togz

  8. togz

  9. togz

    when you realize it's Daiki's birthday so you draw a thing in 10 minutes I KNOW THE FINGERS SUCK AND I MESSED UP THE LOGO BUT IT'S ALMOST 2AM.
  10. togz

    He's still a musical genius ;0;
  11. If you have Facebook ;0; I've just created a photography page https://m.facebook.com/TominaPhotography/

    1. orange~


      you got an awesome profile pic there!

      I went and liked your page ^^

    2. Jigsaw9



    3. togz


      Aw you guys are great!!!!

  12. Paypal takes out almost $200 from my bank account for some transactions for some shoe carnival site? But I gotta survive with out that money for 7days minimum. Thanks Paypal. Way to get on it. 

  13. togz

    messaging you
  14. togz

    Am I the only one who finds it weird that the GazettE is on the Knotfest line up for Japan 2016???
  15. togz

    I started working on cosplay pieces about a week ago. Hmmm.
  16. Okay this had some elements from Xeno, BUT THIS GOES WAY HARDER. Yoooooo. SLAY. thnx @gnk777 <3
  17. togz

    Well it's always been on Sunays, the main problem is that the scheduled time clashed with some users schedules. My own for example. I work every Sunday 2pm-10:30pm and I have to leave about 2 hours before I start, so I'm promised to miss the whole thing... everytime... forever... and always D: BUT THIS ALL DAY DUB THING. I HOPE IT TURNS OUT BECAUSE I'D LOVE TO GET INVOLVED AGAIN.
  18. togz

    Stop. Just agree to disagree for hecks sake. Trombe chose to leave. No one MADE him leave. People are sitting here pointing the finger at the wrong people. No one told him to leave. It was a suspension not a ban. And frankly (despite the humor attached with the formatting of this thread) the post as a whole is a dramatic exit that has obviously proven to do exactly what it was intended to do. Stir everyone up and boohoo about Trombe leaving. As @The MAD Stallionsaid... Other people have also been suspended who contribute here for breaking the rules as well. Trombe was treated the same and chose to throw a fit about it with this post.
  19. togz

    Or I know this may be extensive. But why not designate all of Sunday to be dub day. It starts when it becomes Sunday where ever starts the next day first and ends when the last time zone hits Monday D: then people can freely join and leave all day. I mean I know that takes a little away from a scheduled time but I feel like if it's open maybe it'll encourage people to check in and see what's going on as well. ???? Maaaaaaaybe? I could certainly work with something like that myself
  20. togz

    Honestly, I can't provide a link to you because the bands I want to know about I check on (The way people did it before trombes time). To find new bands I simply do it the old fashioned way and see suggestions on facebook, twitter, and youtube. Do I follow everything? NAW DAWG THAT'S A LOT TO FOLLOW. But let's be real. If it's important enough to you, you'll remember where to go look for updated news. As for getting news via 2ch... If you're that passionate about the scene to crave news not accessible to the wider community, then maybe you should be passionate about learning how to use that site. It's the original source afterall amirite?
  21. togz

    Not to be harsh, but the other "90%" are lurkers who purely use the forum to download things and get the free news. If people became more active, the community would be a lot larger. Just because someone contributes a high percentage of one section of this forum does not make it okay for them to be disrespectful and childish. The fact that people are defending and suggesting one person have an exception to do whatever they want simply because they provide a convenience people are to lazy to do just baffles me. This is a forum, not just a news site. People are encouraged to be active and contribute. PS: a lot of those "trolls"/mods liked/and people known around here are known for a reason. They're liked for a reason. Mods were users just like all of us who took on their positions to help make this community an enjoyable place. These are also people who have contributed in just as much of a valuable way as trombe did. You want a news section? Pick a band or two and contribute. You wanna read news and do nothing, get off a forum and go to a news site.
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