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Status Updates posted by robkun

  1. Yoo people! You want some rare visual kei goodies?! Stop by the Rarezhut unboxing at hitbox.tv/rarezhut! DO IT!!

  2. You wanted some bubbly, vintage live VK done right, you got it:

  3. Gulp. It finally happened o__o.

    1. YuyoDrift


      lol robbie you're fucking hilarious 

  4. http://imgur.com/a/Fzmtk <--- So does everyone remember the infamous "Gimmick" cover with that girl? Well, I think I found out what she looks like now, over 20 years later, if anyone's interested XD.

  5. http://imgur.com/x2g6BNJ <-- Finally. The old school VK nerd in me is so psyched.

    1. Naaaaani


      Show your love for Haruhi

    2. Naaaaani


      Can't wait for your rip, Rob

  6. http://m.imgur.com/okjaZQy <-- So yeah, if you haven't used Rarezhut Imports, then your soul has a permanent hole which will not be filled till you use it. Some of the stuff I imported... just some loll.

  7. https://page.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/b260500769 <-- Check out the latest super killer score I got. I'm soooo gonna have to this and my 2000 D'espairsRay flyer framed sometime soon.

  8. https://page.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/p537525937 <-- Coming soon to my bedroom walls! ...... MINIMONI WERE GREAT, DAMNIT! DON'T JUDGE ME!

    1. Ikki


       I'm so jealous right now how dirt cheap you got it.

  9. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkMALOUkSodkHpewi660f2A <-- To avoid any possible confusion in the future, yes, this is indeed my channel XDD.

  10. After 13 years of stanning The Birthday Massacre, I FINALLY GET TO SEE THEM IN APRIL!!! AHHHH!!!! THERE IS A GOD!!

    1. The Reverend

      The Reverend

      Wow, kinda can’t believe they’re still grinding (checks notes...) 16 freaking years after I bought Nothing and Nowhere.


      Saw them once and it was fun, bet you have a great time!

    2. robkun


      Absolutely, man! It’s crazy to see how they’ve evolved and grown throughout the years. Totally can’t wait!!!

  11. After dealing with the god-awful wait of uploading files that are, like, 5GB, uploads that are only 200MB are absolutely nothing to me anymore XDD.

  12. Ahh man, I've got some realllllly cool stuff that I'm gonna upload on my YouTube channel. Like, REALLLLY cool stuff. Totally excited to share them with you guys! ^__^

  13. At the risk of sounding like a “noob”, how the hell do you add the active years of a band to a Last.FM page? I don’t even know how to properly look that up lol.

    1. robkun


      Suhweeet! Thanks for the heads up!

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      I believe it also allows for you to do multiples, in case they came back. iirc the only thing that changes is that the second start date needs to be wrapped in [yearreformed] instead

    3. robkun


      Quick follow-up question: do you put the code in the biography section?

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  14. Awesome flyers Part III: coming soon.

  15. Awww no faiiiiiiiiiiiiir. I wanna upload some more godrare goodness :/.

    1. Ikna


      Make a blog, I will surely follow it ;) 

    2. reminiscing2004


      All those "I'll grab those later/eventually" moments are eating away at me rn lol...

      Hopeful things will be 'up to speed' at some point...

    3. Ikna


      Hope that too, if not we'll just find another platform to leech rarez, I am sure. And yes, I am one of those evil leechers, who mainly use the forum to pirate. Mostly because the stuff I am out looking for are old, rare and unlike Rob I haven't robbed a bank to afford all that shit.

  16. By the time I get all of my stuff for the month, I'm gonna have enough boxes to make my own VK puppet show, which I would do... if I had the puppetmastering skills.... anywho, expect a storm of stuff coming on here quite soon!

    1. reminiscing2004


      Rob's VK Puppetshow :X'D: yes pls

  17. C'mon now, I can't be the only one who thinks Shocking Lemon is eerily similar to classic 90's emo. Maybe that's what I love about them? I do enjoy some SDRE and "Pinkerton" from time to time.

  18. Coming soon to MH...


  19. Computer is officially out of a coma! Expect some classic SHOXX scans to be shocking your retinas very soon! ^__^

  20. Contemplating whether or not I should scan my mags. Hmm...

  21. Don't get me wrong, Amazon has a simply AMAZING selection in Japanese stuff (if you know where to look), but my GOD does it take forever to arrive. Ordered three CD's in the end of June, and I'm still waiting =__="".

    1. robkun


      Well, thank youuuu! lol. Yeah, and I'm excited to see what the 3rd CD I bought was, because I totally forgot XDD.

    2. Alucardius


      lol...so there still will be surprise ^^

    3. robkun


      Yuuuuuuup! Exactly XD.

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  22. Fighting off a cold suuuuucks. Goddamn long lasting cough =___=".

    1. YuyoDrift


      You and I both Robbie.

      Luckily I only have a stuffy nose so far.

      I would not be able to function with a full-on Flu, especially when it's finals week for me here.

    2. robkun


      Ahh man, yeah I think I'm kinda lucky in some ways since it's only a plugged nose and a super annoying cough. Could be worse, and I hope it doesn't evolve into something worse =___="".

  23. Final MH post: I fuckin love The B-52's. One good thing that the COVID lockdown gave me time to do was go through their discography. Great shit.



  24. Goddamn, everyone around my neck of the woods has the flu, alongside me. Like the night of the living dead around here. Acute bronchitis, fuck offfff.

    1. Gesu


      Damn, hope you get well soon!

    2. robkun


      Thank ya! Yeah, I’ve been bedside for close to a week. Total lameness =__=.

  25. Gonna be seeing Tsu Shi Ma Mi Re for the first time in October and I’m fuckin STOKED. Been a fan of em for about seven years now, so I’m literally counting down the days XD.

    1. YuyoDrift


      Saw them in Chicago a couple years ago. They were quite the trip haha.

      Have fun!

    2. robkun


      No doubt! And some other Japanese band will be opening up, The Molice. Two for the price of one!! Lol.

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