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Everything posted by robkun

  1. I know most of my Japanese through occasional Skype sessions and through constant indulgence in visual kei and Japanese music of all sorts XD.
  2. Well, believe it or not folks, I've got myself some brand-new kei. I guess Aduma threw me a freebie since I bought a good amount from him XD. It shall be up soon... the storm has started!!

  3. Pssss... another VK flood is coming soon to MH. Here are some bands that I bought stuff of that should be here in a few days. Can't waiiiiiit.


    - G~Angel


    - NA-ZE?

    - JADIS

    - Metronome


    - ARESZ

    - CRY<<MU>>

    - NAIGE

    - SEE ZAR


    + Other bands I never heard of! ^__^ lol.

    1. robkun


      Indeed they were!

    2. pinkmakona


      Oh, ARESZ! I won't be like their only uploader on mh now lol.

    3. robkun


      Indeed! XD.

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  4. You're welcome, everybody. And if it doesn't work, Proxfree will fix it ;).

    1. YuyoDrift


      robkun i need this!


    2. robkun


      I shall upload this soon while I wait for yet another giant box of (mostly) soft VK awesomeness! ^___^

  5. Ahh man, I've got some realllllly cool stuff that I'm gonna upload on my YouTube channel. Like, REALLLLY cool stuff. Totally excited to share them with you guys! ^__^

  6. robkun

    Ohh, and here's some plain Japanese rap rock.
  7. robkun

    Not rap rock per-se, but one of the very few pure rap VK songs I know of. Pretty interesting stuff lol. The rest is rap rock kei though. Damn SEED and Disqloc bring me back a few years XD. Hope you like these! ^__^
  8. avaritonista, I actually uploaded the album that has the Toluene track on it in lossless ^__^. And here's perhaps a thread killer, a track from probably the most hated band I ever uploaded on my channel: The Bunnygirl Piss! And here's something really crappy errr, interesting from my personal collection: a track by the marvelous everDream.! https://mega.nz/#!mFk3ERaZ!qbqYq78JTNdzVZGDk0EtgpbUDv_l6ZT63oiPs5a6MlM
  9. Neo Sonic Arts is the audio version of heroin, I swear.

  10. robkun

    Ahh maaaaaaaaaaaaaan, I've seen a few artists and comics. Let's see, I've seen... (and please excuse the length! lol) Insane Clown Posse (October 2009) - Ahh man. Say what you want about their music or whatever, but their shows are PHENOMENAL. Especially if you're a 14 year old boy. Good times. Twiztid (September 2013) - My first concert in four years, and someone who I wanted to see for a looooooooong while. Totally worth it, and the openers were pretty sick too, especially Aqualeo. Tom Green (January 2015) - I've been a huge fan of Mr. Green since my middle school days. His retarded sense of humor was just spot on with what I was into at the time, and still chuckle at his stuff a good deal today. Anywho, hilarious show and awesome guy. Gilbert Gottfried (September 2015) - Didn't really start digging into his material until I was late in high school, but a total riot. Great show, and I remember meeting him after the show and being shocked that he didn't stay in character and used his real voice. SHOCKER O__O. Wrestling show in the middle of bumfuck upstate NY with Mick Foley, Jerry Lawler, Matt Hardy & Mickie James (November 2015) - Ahh, pro-wrestling will always have a special place in my heart. From when I was four until about the time I was 14, I watched WWE stuff RELIGIOUSLY. Every week I'd catch Raw with my dad, and DVR and watch the rest of it the next morning before school. So when I saw that some wrestling people were coming by an hour-and-a-half away that I grew up with, I was sold. Met Mick Foley and Jerry Lawler, and both were really cool. Foley seemed distracted and all, while Lawler was super cool and forced my friend to take another pic in case the first one was bad lollz. Blaze (February 2016) - Blaze is this one rapper guy who's associated with ICP & Twiztid, but has a more street-savvy style... since his character is supposed to be a dead gangsta rapper. Hey, his music is pretty good! Especially his old stuff! Don't judge!! lol. Met him before the show and he was SUPER cool. We were making jokes about stuff and how he's gonna do some crazy wrestling moves on stage. Signed a CD, and was AWESOME. The show was cool too, even though there were some asshats moshing. HONESTLY, WHO THE FUCK MOSHES AT A 100% RAP SHOW WITH NO ROCK INFLUENCE AT ALL?! SHIT MAKES NO SENSE!!! Still a good time though. mc chris (March 2016) - I used to listen to his stuff pretty heavily in middle school, so I kinda went for nostalgia sake and the fact that Adult Swim & ATHF were huge parts of my life from when I was 8 years old till the time I was about 15. Anywho, I read stories about him being a douche so I was kinda expecting it to be that way. The crowd was amazing though. No moshing, no rough housing, no drunks yelling or anything. Everyone was just vibing and it was a great feel around the place. Met mc chris after the show after about an HOUR WAITING IN FUCKIN LINE, and he was kinda douchy. Jim Breuer (Last week) - My friend sorta dragged me to this one and I was expecting a mediocre show. He was actually pretty damn funny though and is super nice. Pretty awesome time all around. And I'm gonna be going to these next: The Go-Go's (August 6th) Andrew Dice Clay (August 27th) Mike Tyson (YEAH, MIKE FUCKIN TYSON) (October 8th) Twiztid (will always love these guys) (October 20th) Shonen Knife (finally my first Japanese band live!) (November 6th) Making up for lost time, I suppose XDD.
  11. Don't get me wrong, Amazon has a simply AMAZING selection in Japanese stuff (if you know where to look), but my GOD does it take forever to arrive. Ordered three CD's in the end of June, and I'm still waiting =__="".

    1. robkun


      Well, thank youuuu! lol. Yeah, and I'm excited to see what the 3rd CD I bought was, because I totally forgot XDD.

    2. Alucardius


      lol...so there still will be surprise ^^

    3. robkun


      Yuuuuuuup! Exactly XD.

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  12. Whoa, Trombe disappeared from the top 5 weekly contributors.... IT'S ARMAGEDDON!!

    1. IGM_Oficial


      So, Trombe is gone now. But Tokage will make some things...

    2. Show next comments  36 more
  13. Ahahaha. This should be awesome, I always loved those guys.
  14. It's official, I'm gonna see my first Japanese band live in November: Shonen Knife. Totally psyched.

    1. togz


      oh what? My friend is seeing them in montana... is that their only show? Contemplating on driving to Montana to go.

    2. The Reverend

      The Reverend

      ^They're doing a (weirdly focused on the northern half of the country) US tour this fall.


      And two dates in Montana??? I guess if you're driving from Seattle to Denver may as well stop and play some shows on the way... but I've been to Billings I can't imagine a ton of people there showing up for Shonen Knife.

    3. robkun


      I'm incredibly lucky that it's a Northern-focused tour. Hardly any Japanese artists come around the Rochester area... if any XD.

  15. Wow, second place (for now) for uploader of the week, behind the immortal Trombe. Crazy o__o.

  16. Umm... So I stumbled upon one of the very first band pics of 2nd Effect, and I'm totally in awe. This pic might actually be the very first band pic of theirs EVER. Thank god for Shoxx <3.




  17. Sooo I got my first YT strike in about a year because some dickhead named "Charles W" took copyright of an ACID LOVE song. I would challenge it, but the YT copyright thing makes me queasy thinking about it. So thanks Mr. W, you special lil' douchebag.

    1. IGM_Oficial


      (and "Sakuyoi" is very cool, I was addicted on it)

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  18. Computer is officially out of a coma! Expect some classic SHOXX scans to be shocking your retinas very soon! ^__^

  19. I should be making my return to MH after a brief hiatus by the weekend. Got some CD's coming that I'll make lossless rips of, two of which I'm sure many of you will adore. Totally psyched, just waiting for the computer to break out of its coma lol.

  20. Contemplating whether or not I should scan my mags. Hmm...

  21. robkun

    Got an issue of Shoxx which happens to feature CASSIS, and apparently they formed in March of 1997, so probably 1997 through 1999. And yeah, LECHESIS either seems to be their label or fanclub since its address is also featured in the Shoxx article.
  22. Maaaaan, still over a week without a main computer that has access to all my stuff. Another case of never taking advantage of what you currently have. Hoping it'll regain consciousness before the end of the week =__="".

  23. robkun

    "Hard to Say" by Ladies Room Is there really gold at the end of the rainbow?
  24. robkun

    And as far as to how long CASSIS was around for, I'd think they split in 1999 since Yuki formed Double Volante in March of 2000. So maybe 1996 through 1999?
  25. robkun

    http://www22.big.or.jp/~yunisan/vi/cassis.html Found a Yunisan page, maybe it'll shed a bit of light on em? Maybe?? Lol
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