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Status Updates posted by -NOVA-

  1. anyone want to lend me a small loan of a million dollars to feed my vkei obsession ... 

  2. Just bought amber gris's last live DVD <3 now the wait begins...

  3. Morrigan x Blesscode <3 

  4. @The Reverend Your Cosplay OMG !!!!
    SLAY MY PRINCESS !!!!!!! 

  5. Rides and ReVellion is killing it xD

    I cant wait for an album :D 

  6. Please check out my sales page :)



  7. Lmao people are reselling Medienas - Gothic Cult for $100+ on From Japan

  8. Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Dont get too turnt :) 

  9. I need a new place to live, please buy my stuff, feel free to make offers :P 

  10. Today is the last day of メディーナ you will be missed.

     Goodbye メディーナ <3 

  11. Lolita23q HYPE!!!!!

  12. MH looking pretty damn fine  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  13. Goodbye ScReW ... :miss-bone-33:

  14. Even if the DL section never comes back i still love this place <3 the people here are the best and the fact we all share the same love for vk is amazing. I love this community #ByeLeeches 

  15. おめでとうございますパンダ :glitter:

  16. heresytrash chill with the status updates lol

  17. -NOVA-

    Happy Birthday, :glitter: have an incredible day :starry:

  18. DIAURA we need samples were they at???? 

  19. who cares if one more light goes out?

    Well i do...

  20. We are X is on hulu :o 

  21. Initial'L - Light My Fire is such a nice song <3

  22. DIMLIM will be apperaing on niconico 



    1st half is free, second is for subscribers only


    If anyone could record this I will love ya forever <3 

  23. AllS will go live @9:00 JST on Youtube (AllS Official Channel) and Line Live if anyone is interested #Record it plz <3


  24. Golden Bomber on one <3 


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