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Posts posted by MaikoMizu

  1. Ahhh... I would put in my opinion on the why people are attached to bands but I don't want to start a war on MH. I tried doing so on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and it didn't end pretty. 

    I also thought MEJIBRAY was a weird band at first but they've really grown on me ever since mid 2014. 

  2. I understand if that's how you feel. If you think it's best for you and you'll be happy then I won't try or force you to stay. This is just really upsetting news to read because I'm really fond of you. I'm happy to know you've enjoyed your time here, and I hope you can at least visit us sometime. You will be missed, not just by me! So good luck with everything; you've been an absolute pleasure and joy and will definitely do much with your life. Be safe, happy and look forward to the future dear. < 3


    I will do my best to visit every so often and keep in touch with you, -k∆-, Tetora and everyone. 

    I'd say my current lifestyle is 50% of what's dragged me down and I'm trying to change but consecutively living in the same place with the same people, family stress and an un-fun college lifestyle. They say don't make decisions when you're sad but I can truly say that MH has helped me achieve what I think to be as, "happiness". A place where I can come and meet and greet people from all over because we all mostly share things in common as opposed to the people here in IL who backlash at the music we all like.

  3. Not weird at all, you're not alone on that one my friend. I stress over unimportant things sometimes too, I've been trying to clear my mind and just be me being calm like usual. Sometimes it helps to write down the feelings or work-out to reduce the tension. 



    Is it weird to be picky with food but then you want to fight the urge to not be picky? 

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