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Posts posted by MaikoMizu

  1. Yeah, I like looking at them... but in the real life men are often creepy and their behavior grosses me out... but if a girl is flirty (but not in a gross way), my reaction is different. I've never been romantically interested in a man, either. I don't know why is it like that, these things are confusing. I've never been abused by any man, so there's no reason for that.

    Is there a term for liking "flamboyant" or colorful guys/men?? I'm unsure, maybe VK had an impact perhaps?? but if you're not into men in general but women and men who "pretty" I just need to find the right term....

  2. I don't see it the same, or maybe I really lost interest in dating in general... I feel awkward when a guy tries to flirt with me, even an Asian guy creeped me out, so I wanted to avoid him. I don't have that problem with girls, though. Maybe I'm not into men? I like looking at the pretty ones on my screen, but in the real life it somehow doesn't work... I get creeped out, I don't want anything to do with any guy.


    So girls don't creep you out in real life or you have no problem talking to them?  And you like to look at pretty men on your computer/phone screen?


  3. I think I'd drop a few comments to this conversations since I have been together with my fiancé for over 4 years.


    I don't think that being 'picky' is a good thing when it comes to relationships, nor deciding if someone is relationship material only based on your common interests. If I had been too picky or only cared about the number of our common interests, I would have never ended up with the love of my life.


    I actually met him as a high school sophomore because I took a senior Finnish class. I heard him talking about external hard drives, and asked what kind of external hard drive he's gonna get. He isn't extraordinarily handsome, tall or charismatic. I wouldn't probably have even noticed him, if it wasn't for an old scar in his short-haired head that is currently just a small bald spot (skating accident haha). I actually asked him "what is that whole in your head", and then we started talking.

    As it turned out, he is into cars, American rap (west side yooo), Dire Straits, motorcycles, computers and gaming. Back then I was into visual kei, k-pop, dancing, fashion, make up, hair extensions. We had zero things in common, but still we hit it off and have been together ever since. I love his humor more than anything, and he got me really into cars. I wrote an essay about electric cars in my physics finals, because I had been babbling about how much they suck. I started liking the things he liked, and vice versa.


    Moral of the story? Don't be too picky. Don't be ridiculous and date only people who are at least THIS tall, have that kind of hair, that kind of eyes or people who like the exact same things you like. 

    Mmmmm. So don't get too sucked in where I mainly go for images that are viewed from my mind but look on the bright side and perhaps give it a shot even if we don't have that much in common? I'm more opted to date a person in real life who I get along with and then all of the interests come later, I don't really look at height or eye color, hair?? sometimes. I don't like buns too much but I can definitely lay off the "or people who like the exact same things you like." thing.

  4. I've been single for all of the 18 years that I've been alive. What mainly stops me from getting into a relationship is my mindset really. 
    I say to myself, "You need to be taller and look for a nice car, not a crappy one". You could say that my persepctive of females is a bit, "skewed" from being on social media too much but I know it's all not true. Style of dress is a factor too, apparently to my mom and her friends, all guys need a blazer and suite to go on a date which will be expensive somewhat. (I can afford it though)

    I'd go as far to say that my point of view is crushed a bit because I don't see many girls dating slim guys, instead they go for athletic figures and the guys who have way better jobs than me. Most girls say I'm funny and nice and my long eyelashes are the "winner" according to my family members but it's somewhat self doubt and internal conflict. 

    These last couple of years I've been a Twitter junkie and girls have tried to get with me for an, "online" relationship but I find that a bit sketchy so I denied them despite talking to some for 2 years or less. I don't see how people can put all of their trust or feelings into a person online and never meet, that's waisted time from my POV. (half hearted?

    I like to have at least 2 or 4 no more things in common with the girls I find which hasn't happened yet. Having only one thing in common is what has mostly kept me single all these years. My music taste, interests and more. I can truly say that no girl has ever gotten to experience my personality fully unveiled. At times I'll be sweet but then I'll get bored because we don't have much in common and just basically abandone/leave them. Sometimes with or without notice. 

    No in real life relations yet but I'd definitely say that my IRL is working out 90% better than my online and if I set things straight within this year, I should be good (hopefully). 

  5. As this page continues on forever there can truly be no real winner. Years from now myself or you may not post on this website but that doesn't mean someone can't come back and break the chain. I see that the person has somewhat started a conversation or "constant" post almost?

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