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Posts posted by MaikoMizu

  1. Seeing those videos and reading a majority of these comments made me want to leave the internet forever. 
    I had no idea until today that people partook in VK outside of Japan. It's pretty creepy actually. I mainly thought if you were in Japan and had decent vocals and found a few friends to start a band, anyone could join a decent label and become VK. 
    Get a few outfits and flashy parts, latex pants, dresses. 

  2. Ive been rejected a few times. I dont really take it to heart though if you've been with someone 4years or something then they break it off, its much harder to accept.


    some things are just meant to be. Im friendly with most of the girls i work with and i get plenty of hugs - some of them didnt even want touch me at first cuz they thought i was already with someone lol. Im sure some of them think im pretty weird.


    Here in IL, girls go gaga over the guys from the UK

  3. I tell a joke and people have no idea if im actually being serious or not so i get misunderstood quite a bit xD Not always though. Some people are quite quick witted and catch it straight away. - How is your tone when you normally speak?


    People tell me to smile more often but im not a very smiley person irl and theres nothing much to smile about either so i dont waste the energy unless theres something worth it. - You don't smile with family members or friends around?


    People tend to think im 'all business' but im nothing like that, Its just like a front of a house or a walled garden - you wont know how beautiful it is inside unless you open the gate (or climb over) walk in and see for yourself. As always - Im not handsome or pretty but ive been told ive got a good easy going personality but people seem to take me for face value and not whats inside so either way it hasnt done me any good xD 

    - Yes, yes. I am similar with this because I believe that nobody has seen me 100% of my natural emotion or feelings towards them. With my friends I crack jokes I normally wouldn't say because I feel as if I don't fit in too much. We share gaming and anime in common but that's pretty much it and as usual, it bores me after a certain while. I've been called cute by girls at most but most just love my long eyelashes apparently. 
    I remember back in HS, my speech class in which girls wanted me to always talk because of my Australian/English accent (according to them).


    I've never been rejected by a girl yet but I have gotten to know some even if the experience was crappy, I never denied the pleasure or they never denied me. I'm pretty much just casual/nice to girls. Phew, even back in HS I bought some girls candy that couldn't afford it at the time and received a smile and a hug. 

  4. I hate digital copies. I wanted to start my collection of physical CD copies so I'll always have them as opposed to digital where if my laptop crashes, it's more than likely gone forever. I mainly buy from CDJapan and I've recently bought a few CDs from CD Baby that are of Starwave Records artist and closet child for the others I can't find. I can find most CDs that I want from all three of those websites, in good condition too. Tainted Reality is also connected with SW and I've purchased one CD from there, fair prices I'd say.


    Rarely will I buy from the label shop that a band is on due to the heavy prices and conversion from Japanese yen to American $$$ but it ships cleaner and faster from what I've heard or unless it's impossible to find in any other place.

  5. I'm a Cancer and I found this interesting. I find these star signs interesting in general. But I like to think and I hope I'm not considered to be 'moody.' I have certain dislikes which can annoy me but I never get moody about it. Sure, I'm not laid-back either, however, having found the definition of 'moody' =

    '(of a person) given to unpredictable changes of mood, especially sudden bouts of gloominess or sullenness.' ... Yeah, okay, maybe a little.

    Unpredicatable? Nah. People seem to read me very easily when they want to. And depending on my mood, it's quite obvious when I hide something or not. Just, not unpredictable in any way. That'd mean I'm careful about things, right? More like, very predictable. But when it comes to the mood changes, that can be unpredication, can't it? Hmm...

    Self-pity? ... hmm... 'excessive, self-absorbed unhappiness over one's own troubles.' Okay.. fine, you win...


    It's interesting because, depending on how you look on it, you can fit into the star sign that is said to be yourself even if it's not so clear at first. But reading those compatibility results hurt. Cancers are clingy? Sure, when it comes to hugs! (Only me?) Emotional? Private? ... Yeah, alright. >.>



    I can't be read very easily most of the time, I'm mostly quiet and whenever I have my neutral face expression on (sometimes looked at as sad or mad). Very quiet most of the time and I'll offer my opinion here and there if it catches my interest. I've been told I'm very at ease most of the time and back to the neutral face expression sometimes people will ask me if I'm ok or angry or sad.

     'excessive, self-absorbed unhappiness over one's own troubles.' That hits the spot for me sometimes and overthinking at times too. 

    Emotional? Sometimes yes but that was when I was younger (2 or more years ago), I've learned to control my emotions and not poor them out to any random girl I find attractive online, trying to be Mr. emotional/soft/sweet. 

    After so much online communication I lust for human interaction which is why I left so many social-media websites

  6. Not weird at all, I salute you for sticking to the classics. 


    Is it weird that I fantasize about owning an expensive car despite barely getting hours at work and wishing my life was better?

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