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Posts posted by ariad

  1. Hello, I more or less identify as aroace, and I am here for this!!


    As far as personal stories, I wasn't aware of what asexuality and aromanticism were until I was about 21 and didn't start identifying as such until a bit after. Maybe not until earlier this year? (I'm 23.) I'd dated a couple of guys and crushed on a couple of girls (without making a move because both times they were close friends and that's awk), but both relationships ended due to lack of interest on my part, hahaha. I do experience low-level romantic attraction but it's rare and usually short-lived. I have no real desire to date and absolutely zero interest in sex. (Well, I like porn. But I don't masturbate to it or anything; I just find it interesting?? idk. No interest in actually having sex.)


    I think it's tough to say whether asexual people perceive visual kei differently because asexuality comes in so many different forms. Like I said, despite being asexual, I have an interest in porn and eroticism. I love that Gara of MERRY has so much auto-fellatio imagery in his performances. But I know other asexual people who are repulsed by sex, as well as others like me who are fascinated by it but would never have it.


    I do find the obsession with rape that some artists have to be distasteful, but I don't think that's due to my asexuality. I didn't have a problem with it until I became more generally conscientious of the way rape is handled in art.


    And re: objectifying musicians and wanting to bang them, yeah I think that's the normal thought process of allosexuals, lol. The only way in which I think visual kei is different is that visual kei has a massive hookup culture that is pretty well-documented, so instead of just fantasizing about how great it would be to bang their favorite musician, allosexual visual kei fans may regard it as something achievable and make plans to do just that.

  2. I've been to Japan twice, for about a week each time. The first time was 2001-ish? I visited Tokyo. The second time was 2005, and I visited Tokyo, Kyoto, and Osaka, plus some smaller locations in between. I didn't plan the trip either time, though, so I'm not sure of the financial details. The second time was through EF Educational Tours, though, and it was a really good experience that I highly recommend. I'd really like to visit Hokkaido, and maybe Okinawa because my friend goes to school there.


    Besides that, I've only been to Taiwan, England, the Caribbean, and Canada. (I'm from California.) I traveled a lot with my mother when I was a kid, but I haven't been out of the U.S. since I graduated high school because I'm a lot more money-conscious and I'm always working. I'd love to do a trip through Europe, though. It's really tempting to hop on over for MUCC's tour, lol.

  3. I've known about this band for a while but only recently started listening, and I loooove what I've heard so far.


    Linked my friend to "aftermath," and it kind of broke her. Her previous familiarity with Japanese music is limited to anime OP/EDs, but she's been looping "aftermath" for hours every day. Hoping this is the start of something beautiful.



  4. Hello, I'm ariad. I was really into visual kei from 2004 to 2008 and have only dabbled in it in the years since then. Lately, I've rediscovered my love for the genre and was recommended this forum as a place to get back into the community. I hope to make some friends on here because all my old vk friends stopped listening and moved on to other things. 




    My favorite bands are PIERROT and MERRY. Also very fond of LM.C, MUCC, Exist Trace, Dir en grey, BUCK-TICK, the studs, girugamesh, and SID.


    As for other interests, I'm a big comics fan! I love creator-owned series like Morning Glories, The Wicked + the Divine, Saga, and Sex Criminals. As far as Big Two, I've read basically all the Marvel pre-2005 (I'm not joking) as well as everything with "Ultimate" in the title, and from DC I'm reading Batgirl. I'm not big into animanga anymore but I love Fullmetal Alchemist and Death Note.


    Nice to meet you!

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