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Everything posted by eiheartx

  1. eiheartx

    So, Elan is officially out (and the music video should follow very soon). I was tired to see butthurt NW whining in caps lock about something that defo happens today (+, 1 week before the release is not the death either, see Madonna's leak!). So, what d'ya think? Well, Sagan is baaad xD Even Floor's voice can't save this boring song. I can't even remember it and i don't want to listen to it again. Elan is ok. I really like the alternative version. the video is so uninspired, and boring (and seriously Floor, this black dress is hideous xD).
  2. eiheartx

    yes, it is! XL: 93 mm high x 156 mm wide x 22 mm thick (closed) New XL: 93.5 mm high x 160 mm wide x 21.5 mm thick (closed)
  3. I was afraid, but no need to: the SD data transfer from my 2DS to the N3DS has been a success! And no need of screwdriver or anything! I'm relieved lmao.

  4. eiheartx

    J'avais la 2DS donc pour moi ça change radicalement xD si tu as une XL, je sais pas si ça vaudrait vraiment le coup (sauf pour MH4). --> la 3D me fait mal aux yeux, je dois sûrement pas être habitué encore (mais bien pratique le bouton pour l'actionner/désactiver quand on le souhaite).
  5. eiheartx

    "(Jui-caught a cold-ver.)" the fuck is that xDDD ! lmao
  6. eiheartx

    CAN I JUST *-* (the pic isn't supposed to be turned, fuck it).
  7. eiheartx

    So, MISS WAVES / VIPER is set to be released in less than 1 months and yet we have no OHP updated, nor audios samples, nor profile pictures nor the new single added in the discography section. WTF ARE THEY DOIN??? ToT
  8. shadow is still my favorite. But in term of new songs, it's 君を壊すガラスの衝動 (followed by Rouge, アネモネ and Marionette)! It's hard to choose dammit, I love all the songs (minus bakane. ahah)! But I know what I dislike tho, should be much easier this way x'DD
  9. ^if it's the case, why the disbandment? I don't get it. Why shouldn't just say 'we're changing our name to xxx' ?? Join the band to disband later, sounds like a plan. xD
  10. eiheartx

    don't worry, for the tagging you'll take quickly this habit to check each time on the OHP for each downloaded releases (to have the right tag). xD
  11. eiheartx

    Oh dear !! I hope you'll be back with us one day. take care of you!
  12. My New 3DS XL and Zelda Majora's Mask 3D has been shipped. #sobs

    1. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      say me what do you think about this new 3Ds, I'm hesitate to buy it or not ^^

    2. Greyen


      Nice! I'm probably going to wait and upgrade to the new model once Xenoblade Chronicles gets released. But I've been extremely excited about MM for ages now and I can't wait to pick up my pre order on Friday xD

    3. eiheartx


      sorry for the delay. @ryuuji: no problem!! ;D @Greyen: yay, same!

    4. Show next comments  168 more
  13. eiheartx

    I'm waiting for the day when a serious concurrent will emerge; and then last.fm will die, and I'll not cry about it. They don't even try ffs. No app updates or designed according to the OS, no layout udpates (like, seriously, the website is so outdated!), you cannot change your pseudonym, etc etc (the official forum is very informative about the users' issues). Do they only give a shit about their website or what? They know that they are alone in this segment sadly...we need a renewal ffs! I don't have any scrobbling issues with iTunes and my alternative scrobbles app (thank god for the alternatives! I'm done with their shitty obsolete app) and I'm not a paid user, so I can't talk about it. I have the same use than Zess, I love stats (but it annoys me sometimes to see wrong titles that you can't change, even if you try to). edit: now that I'm thinking about it, I said I don't have any scrobbling issues, I lied. Not with iTunes tho, but the duplicate/messy scrobbles on my last.fm profile without any reasons are a problem. And last.fm scrobble my iPod Classic whenever the fuck he wants (so reliable!).
  14. eiheartx

    This is a weird album. But not in a negative way. First play, it was so-so. And the more I listen, the more I discover little things and now I can't get enough of this album. So addictive. Ofc I deleted all the useless SE. And Bakane is still for me the weakest track. I'm not skipping it, but I don't like it either.
  15. eiheartx

    /french oh très bien! mais si tu les prélèves sur tes vob directement, certains morceaux ne sont pas coupés en deux? Je veux dire, j'ai souvenir de certains fichier vob coupés en plein milieu, la suite étant sur le suivant. Les morceaux tombent pile poil?
  16. eiheartx

    /french Justement, mon log makemkv me permets de ne faire qu'un seul fichier, plus de vob découpé. Un seul fichier (mais garde les chapitres intacts, de cette façon tu peux les découper ensuite). Tu dois regarder si ces programmes sont dispo aussi sur cette plateforme. C'est pas toujours le cas, mais les alternatives gratuites sont plus nombreuses sur windows que sur mac malheureusement. Makemkv dispo sur windows (http://www.makemkv.com/download/) Mkvtoolnix aussi (https://www.bunkus.org/videotools/mkvtoolnix/downloads.html - faut descendre tout en bas) Mac X.. est un log dispo sur Mac uniquement (comme son nom l'indique), mais les log d'extraction ne doivent pas manquer sur windows (par exemple celui là http://www.free-audio-editor.com/otherfreeproducts/free-video-to-audio-converter.htmqui me paraît pas mal, j'ai pris sur cette liste) Si tu décides d'utiliser ma technique, je t'expliquerais comment te servir de mkvtoolnix pour le découpage des chapitres du DVD...j'ai pataugé un long moment avant de piger. xD Tu me diras ça.
  17. eiheartx

    /french Tu es sur quel OS? Ma solution sur OSX: - extraire mon DVD en un seul fichier avec makemkv - découper les chapitres dudit fichier avec mkvtoolnix - extraire l'audio de mes chapitres avec Mac X Free MP3 video converter avant j'utilisais magic cutter mais je devais couper à la main les séquences. C'était chiant. Maintenant je ne m'emmerde plus à découper, c'est les chapitres qui le font pour moi. xD the end. edit: this thread should be in Help btw. Not in General.
  18. eiheartx

    wtf?? xD this is hideous lmao.
  19. eiheartx

    For me, It's a whole package. I need a good vocalist, a vibrant, powerful or unusual tone (it can be simple, it really depends the mastery), a good chorus &/or verse, a synth (I adore synths, piano or classical/symphonic instruments; something that add value to the compo), or a catchy riff &/or melody, something that attracts me enough the first time and makes me want to listen once again (and +). I want to feel something. A love at first sight. :'D Vocals is my number 1 expectation, I think. I cannot listen to something -as good as it is- if the singer is bad or have a boring/monotone tone. Now that I think about it, it can be the contrary but it's rare. for example, Vidoll : I always loved Jui's voice, absolutely hated their music (excepted all their oldschool stuff ofc). Or Aoi period 彩冷える. In this way, I felt like their voices were...wasted. and it was annoying for me.
  20. eiheartx

    yea, enjoy this song, and tell you that this song is one of the few, very few better songs from her latest album....it's almost like it's not made by the same person, y'know. A 360° far away from her teenage pop hit. she can do it anw, but as you said, she had no idea of what she wants to be, she's too inconsistent. Dancing around while wearing green doesn't help her credibility for example. it's a good idea to release it, but it's too late now (she's been quiet for so long : she announced the release on MARCH 2014 xD), plus this MV doesn't capture the essence, the sensuality of the song at all...it's gonna feature in the upcoming film Babysitter's Black Book (epic title). but it's still better than the WYWH massacre anw (a crying Avril in a bathtub wasn't a good idea at all xDDD it was embarrasing). I'm glad you're finally responding without insulting me xD I was afraid of hurting you (I have been insulted on a french forum for exposing the facts by a butthurt fan, not cool). I'm not bashing Av, I just wanna talk ;-; yes, it's disappointing to see her regress (and that she's fine with it). Doesn't she seen that she's on the decline on everything? this really bugs me. Plus, we all know that she admires Alanis Morissette, she should watch how she's doing with her career. You can thrive, be RnR and still be sincere (like PJ Harvey). Av don't. Even her clone Fefe Dobson surpasses her and made better mature songs than Av. xD I guess we will have to wait the next era...it'll be crucial for her career. She needs to reinvent herself and made better mature songs. And to stop the crappy teenage hits ffs. she made better title songs when she was 17-19 ffs!
  21. love the riff, it's catchy! I remember hime ichigo tho, good time <3
  22. eiheartx

    Jpophelp tend to have some limited stuff but with hiiigh prices x______X. Maybe on Play-asia? I don't know others websites I'm sorry :/
  23. eiheartx

    wow, what a pretty teaser. curious to see the whole video now!
  24. eiheartx

    I think it's a good idea. It could be a good way to keep MH growing, thriving, and stay #1 azn forum. I have a question regarding the DL general section. What's authorized to be in there? It's only for non Vk (J-rock/J-metal)? No J-pop? Why don't we have a J-pop section btw? Why do we have Ringo Shena news in the news thread and not others pop singers?
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