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Posts posted by eiheartx

  1. Ah Ubisoft...as a WiiU owner, I feel very upset about this shitty company. Their declarations are disrespectful to us, I just can't. They said we don't buy their games? Maybe they should start releasing them complete and not with a delay of 6 month just to add a fucking map on the gamepad (hello Watch_Dogs). They need to start asking themselves the good questions. No mature games anymore for the WiiU? Oh wait a minute, we still need big N, we need to sell our crap Just Dance !

    I wanted at first to buy Unity for PC but after their declarations and their disdain for the 'non-gamers' (ahah stop, just stop), I'll boycott it. Not even AC Rogue for the U.... Fuck you, Ubisoft you lazy fuckers (I call them Ubichiottes XD chiottes : crapper in french).

  2. France, southwest, near the Atlantic ocean. It's shitty and full of tourist on summer (= rent's prices are insanely high all the year but especially on summer. some don't hesitate to rent only to September-June at a ""low"" price and then you fuck off elsewhere with your stuff because the location of July-August will increase, like 1500€/week). You need to drive 1h to go on the big city (Bordeaux). No one rarely come here to give music concerts (it's always Paris or Lyon).

  3. Great. I propose you a few stuff (maybe not at all what you're looking for XDD).

    I'm starting with one of my fav band, kHz:



    This song has lyrics but the ending (after the second chorus) is magnificient. If only a voiceless version could exist.



    L'AME IMMORTELLE knows how to make good intro too:



    Astarte :



    Saturnus (if you love violin, you should like this one) :




    Enter Shikari with 'Stand Your Ground' :



    Virgin Black - Weep for me :



    If you want a sweet atmosphere with piano, violin etc, you should check Dark Sanctuary's songs.



  4. he sounds like a vocal cross-breed of aoi and inzargi and seeing your ryohei icon I honestly don't get what's bothering you? :?


    It's not a problem of tone; but these two have a powerful voice which suits their own music. LG's vocalist sounds so soft, this is what bothers me. They have a heavy sound with a powerless vocalist. :/ I was enjoying the music and when the voice arrived, I was disappointed. But it's my own feeling, I didn't say he was shit. I just don't feel it.

  5. Sorry to be a party pooper but...I think astrology is notorious for breeding stereotypes (just like the blood type theory), and I don't believe in it just as I don't believe in god. To me it's just a tool for people to categorize themselves and others, because ho we can't live without putting everything into frames. This makes life so much easier. But if there are groups of people typically acting the same way it doesn't mean that this is why we do it. Humans are basically animals, and animals have their own behavioral patterns, but nobody applies those theories on them :P  The funny thing is that even when you don't believe in it you still check your horoscope and zodiac compatability because others are doing it. As to myself I can say that this pseudo-science is totally inaccurate.

    Of oourse if it makes you happy don't let what I say affect you :)



    this quote totally sums up what I wanted to add here xDD
    I don't believe it in any way but still I read it (why? I just don't know).
    But I do believe that our sign characterize our personality and sometimes it appears that it's the truth (for example, it has been said that the Libra cannot choose; I am Libra, I am the same, and this can take so many proportions, that's horrifying. XD)

  6. I was thinking about something (or maybe I just didn't see it yet on M-H): should we make a big thread (or a subforum) list with all the online safe websites and -in some cases- a guideline on how to buy ? (like Closetchild, FJ, iTunes etc). I saw the thread "#2: What are your favorite sites to purchase Japanese CDs from?" but maybe more explanations on how to do it when it's not that obvious could be helpful ?

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