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Posts posted by eiheartx

  1. After hours of hesitations, I've placed my first order on FJ : メガマソ 旧約偽典MEGAMASSO~渋谷鐘楼永続~  DVD

    Can't wait to have it.

    (I've first asked Brand-x the price + shipping for this item, they said 8,082Y - I've paid 4,909Y on FJ lmao).

    Hope all will go well.

  2. Bonne idée ce topic. Je me débrouille un peu en anglais (bien que je fais parfois des fautes grossières et j'ai honte XD) mais ça reste pas évident d'exprimer un profond ressenti par rapport à sa langue maternelle (mise à part si on fait du google trad mais alors ça prends des plombes et c'est pas toujours très juste mdr). Je pense notamment aux topics reviews, je suis incapable de sortir un long pavé qui traite le cd de long en large en travers. :o

    Niveau communauté, j'ai tendance à fuir nautiljon comme la peste XD je me sens bien mieux ici du coup.

  3. メガマソ - St.Lily (TYPE A, CD+DVD)

    "I'll not buy singles anymore" she said..I'm a fkn shit.


    And I'm waiting for 動かなくなるまで、好きでいて。reg. too (bought it from Danao here on M-H)

    october 27:




    I'll upload when I'll have it guys ! (should take 4-7 days to arrive tho).

  4. Yes, I think that album art, tracklist, format and release date (in the title) should be mandatory, but I heavily disagree with having one mandatory template for uploads. A template could be useful for users who find it difficult to style and structure their posts, but it can not be mandatory. Because I'm too lazy for that shit.


    ia, it could be useful for some who don't wanna waste their time rearranging their post (then the template is the perfect option), but not for most users who love to do their own presentation (and have a "personal style"). But, maybe add a simple reminder when we start a new topic (like do not forget the release date in the title, cover and stuff).

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