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  1. Like
    beni got a reaction from ghost in #17: THE"420"THEATRICAL ROSES by MEJIBRAY   
    MEJIBRAY had originally caught my attention because of their eccentric and attractive Visual Kei image. I feel their second album captures their style almost to a t. Being one of many indie Visual Kei bands on the scene with such massive adoration from a healthy fanbase, the anticipated album doesn’t fail in delivering the juicy goodness of MEJIBRAY’s sound we all know and love. Compared to their first album, it flows a lot better, with a preferred track placement this time. Chocked full of brilliant singles and new songs, the album is a thrilling ride right from the get-go.
    The opener, “IDEA,” has a futuristic and eerie feel to it, thanks to an electro current going high and low in pitch. It’s a quick and fitting welcome to THE “420” THEATRICAL ROSES, and this is again delivered by the suitable, instrumental closing track “COPERNICUS.” We get right into the flow of the album with their newest released single “シアトリカル・ブルーブラック AI Ver.” which further offers a new sound to the album, making this release even more refreshing as these ‘AI Ver.’s are altered ever so slightly. “シアトリカル・ブルーブラック” was already a personal favourite of mine when it was released. The song, much like any Visual Kei single, follows an expected pattern. This can obviously be an issue for long time Visual Kei fans, but MEJIBRAY hits the nail on the head with this particular track. The chunky guitar and crazy drumming is super energetic and addicting. Tsuzuku’s vocals offer us what we’ve always received from him; a mix of clear singing, screeches, growls and screams. And let’s not forget how well MiA really works that guitar of his in his solo parts!
    “DiefiL” is up next and is a very enjoyable track even after such a excellent single backing it up beforehand. Like track three, “Hungry Psychopath” doesn’t slow down the energy, actually sounding more melodious than previous songs. Its repeated guitar chunking after the chorus is highlighted wonderfully before leading into the chorus which is ever so harmonious due to the swift change in tune. Tsuzuku’s higher pitched vocalisation is something to treasure in this track.
    The album seems to keep stepping up after every track for now, next with “Mr.レインは死んだふり.” The song falls and then rises to intense heights as Tsuzuku’s vocals alone accompanied by piano which continues to play along with the band into the chorus. Another ‘AI Ver.’ follows, this time of ‘RAVEN.’ Nothing can beat MEJIBRAY’s singles in my book and ‘RAVEN’ certainly doesn’t miss the mark. Dramatic and smooth, the chorus is even more pleasing to the ear compared to the highly enjoyable “DiefiL.” The steady and gripping pace of this single definitely shouldn’t be overlooked.
    Following tracks “埋葬虫” and “Contagion” continue to deliver the punches without exhausting the album. I particularly enjoyed “Contagion,” which takes on a slower tempo against the first load of rough tracks but still keeps Tsuzuku’s signature vocalisations in. It’s actually quite pleasant. Following in the ‘pleasant’ description, ballad “Echo” comes next. It’s unfortunate this album promoted track is the one ballad in the album, but already a problem might be spotted by a few listeners. At over six minutes long, it’s a lengthy track in an already packed album. But even if it looks unappealing, you better give it a chance. My view on MEJIBRAY’s ballads is that it’s the best produced songs of theirs. Tsuzuku’s voice is fitting to such a song and the instrumentals definitely compliment and drive this along, making it an emotional and smoothly delivered performance.
    Now, after nine tracks in, the album seems to exhaust considerably due to its big running time. This becomes increasingly obvious after this song as every other tune follows a similar formula to all the other previous, first half high energy songs, no longer sounding individual. As a massive fan, it’s disappointing to admit. Even though we've waited a while for a full-length album, it may be a bit too much. So, while every track packs a punch, the album itself may fail keeping listeners gripped from start to end, not managing to impress newcomers or even long time listeners. But this album is a definite step up from their first. I look forward to the band progressing further and finding their place and sound in the scene before being seen as unoriginal or uninspiring. With an eye catching album cover and beautiful detail to attire and music delivery, you've gotta give these guys some credit at least. Step up lads and prove to us all your worth!

  2. Like
    beni reacted to Ro plz in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    Its all good! I respect your opinion as well, I love conversations like this.
    And, I wouldn't mind peeping what they come out with in the future to see if my opinion has changed.
  3. Like
    beni reacted to doombox in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    I agree with  about both bands improving on their own sound, but I'm biased and like both bands already so that's not really news. But if people are waiting for ONE OK ROCK to step outside of their box, I wouldn't hold my breath. They have such a solid corner of the market, and it works for them, that I don't see them going out on a limb to risk that. Not everyone is gonna love every band. I can understand when people think OOR is on the generic side, they play radio friendly mainstream rock music. It's not a very experimental genre. But I have to give them credit that they take generic overdone music and make it extremely catchy and relate-able. It doesn't hurt they are 4 young, decent looking guys who have approachable dorky personalities that fans can gravitate to. This is a huge part of Japanese marketing, and they've found a way to make it work outside of Japan where many have failed. And to add to they "add nothing new to music" most casual listeners don't care if a band is adding anything new. They care that they can relate to it and sing along to it, and that the music makes them feel good when they hear it. And OOR are excellent at that.
  4. Like
    beni got a reaction from doombox in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    Dumb use of GIF in forum, achieved
    These guys just keep improving, I swear. Maybe a future release will grab your attention? And double 'oh no you didn't!' to MEJIBRAY. xD I've always believed most indie bands give a lot more to the scene in terms of something new and different. Maybe that's the unpopular opinion here, I can see many agreeing with you and I fail at supporting my opinion at the moment but I'm ever so fond of both bands because they keep getting better in their own terms and ways with each release.
    On another note, boy am I glad to see this thread active again. And on a smaller one, please don't hurt me for this xD Opinions are opinions, responded to show they've got support lol
  5. Like
    beni reacted to Aferni in Band Parody Names.   
    Cocklobin = Cockgroping
    DADAROMA = Dad's Aroma 
  6. Like
    beni got a reaction from Nyasagi in Official Happy Birthday Topic   
    Nyasagi, merry birthday!~
  7. Like
    beni reacted to evilcoconut in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    Here's a probably unpopular opinion: I really don't care and would rather not have Japanese artists getting into the American/Westernwtvr scene, or being somehow validated by it. I don't understand why so many J-fans want /need/ this to happen and are constantly blathering about how they could achieve this. Most US releases, as in albums geared towards the US market like the English VAMPS album are so godawful and I'm just like, why.
    I prefer Japanese music, it's 90% of what I listen to, I don't need it or want it in a music market I don't even like. And I don't need anyone to validate my music tastes either.
  8. Like
    beni got a reaction from kyoselflove in #17: THE"420"THEATRICAL ROSES by MEJIBRAY   
    MEJIBRAY had originally caught my attention because of their eccentric and attractive Visual Kei image. I feel their second album captures their style almost to a t. Being one of many indie Visual Kei bands on the scene with such massive adoration from a healthy fanbase, the anticipated album doesn’t fail in delivering the juicy goodness of MEJIBRAY’s sound we all know and love. Compared to their first album, it flows a lot better, with a preferred track placement this time. Chocked full of brilliant singles and new songs, the album is a thrilling ride right from the get-go.
    The opener, “IDEA,” has a futuristic and eerie feel to it, thanks to an electro current going high and low in pitch. It’s a quick and fitting welcome to THE “420” THEATRICAL ROSES, and this is again delivered by the suitable, instrumental closing track “COPERNICUS.” We get right into the flow of the album with their newest released single “シアトリカル・ブルーブラック AI Ver.” which further offers a new sound to the album, making this release even more refreshing as these ‘AI Ver.’s are altered ever so slightly. “シアトリカル・ブルーブラック” was already a personal favourite of mine when it was released. The song, much like any Visual Kei single, follows an expected pattern. This can obviously be an issue for long time Visual Kei fans, but MEJIBRAY hits the nail on the head with this particular track. The chunky guitar and crazy drumming is super energetic and addicting. Tsuzuku’s vocals offer us what we’ve always received from him; a mix of clear singing, screeches, growls and screams. And let’s not forget how well MiA really works that guitar of his in his solo parts!
    “DiefiL” is up next and is a very enjoyable track even after such a excellent single backing it up beforehand. Like track three, “Hungry Psychopath” doesn’t slow down the energy, actually sounding more melodious than previous songs. Its repeated guitar chunking after the chorus is highlighted wonderfully before leading into the chorus which is ever so harmonious due to the swift change in tune. Tsuzuku’s higher pitched vocalisation is something to treasure in this track.
    The album seems to keep stepping up after every track for now, next with “Mr.レインは死んだふり.” The song falls and then rises to intense heights as Tsuzuku’s vocals alone accompanied by piano which continues to play along with the band into the chorus. Another ‘AI Ver.’ follows, this time of ‘RAVEN.’ Nothing can beat MEJIBRAY’s singles in my book and ‘RAVEN’ certainly doesn’t miss the mark. Dramatic and smooth, the chorus is even more pleasing to the ear compared to the highly enjoyable “DiefiL.” The steady and gripping pace of this single definitely shouldn’t be overlooked.
    Following tracks “埋葬虫” and “Contagion” continue to deliver the punches without exhausting the album. I particularly enjoyed “Contagion,” which takes on a slower tempo against the first load of rough tracks but still keeps Tsuzuku’s signature vocalisations in. It’s actually quite pleasant. Following in the ‘pleasant’ description, ballad “Echo” comes next. It’s unfortunate this album promoted track is the one ballad in the album, but already a problem might be spotted by a few listeners. At over six minutes long, it’s a lengthy track in an already packed album. But even if it looks unappealing, you better give it a chance. My view on MEJIBRAY’s ballads is that it’s the best produced songs of theirs. Tsuzuku’s voice is fitting to such a song and the instrumentals definitely compliment and drive this along, making it an emotional and smoothly delivered performance.
    Now, after nine tracks in, the album seems to exhaust considerably due to its big running time. This becomes increasingly obvious after this song as every other tune follows a similar formula to all the other previous, first half high energy songs, no longer sounding individual. As a massive fan, it’s disappointing to admit. Even though we've waited a while for a full-length album, it may be a bit too much. So, while every track packs a punch, the album itself may fail keeping listeners gripped from start to end, not managing to impress newcomers or even long time listeners. But this album is a definite step up from their first. I look forward to the band progressing further and finding their place and sound in the scene before being seen as unoriginal or uninspiring. With an eye catching album cover and beautiful detail to attire and music delivery, you've gotta give these guys some credit at least. Step up lads and prove to us all your worth!

  9. Like
    beni got a reaction from Zein in Hi there   
    Damn, so long! = D Haha, I felt the same way about The GazettE, can't be the only ones on that one. Missed out on a lot.
    Always those flawless guys, nice picks! And thanks for the history catch-up, got interesting favourites.
    Have you given DEG's new album a listen yet? I'm sure you'll have seen/heard a lot about it here already and will be again soon. : p Check it out if you haven't already! Approve of the MEJIBRAY love. :'3
    The Oshare love is very little in this community x'D </3
  10. Like
    beni reacted to sableye in i'm in heaven   
    so, this guy tried to sell me a coffin.
    i told him, "that's the last thing i need!"
  11. Like
    beni reacted to Zein in Hi there   
    Very glad for having found this!  
    Nice to meet you people and just say Thanks for all the stuff is here!
    -sorry for my horrible english uwu, not my native lenguaje- 
  12. Like
    beni reacted to doombox in SONG OF THE DAY! ^__^   
    The music video makes it 1000x better. FFFFF I love ITM so much. ;;
    Missing TRANSLATIONS like crazy right now.

  13. Like
    beni got a reaction from kyoselflove in random thoughts thread   
    I just never noticed and thought it's just me. >< And my hair doesn't hide it so I'm really paranoid now haha. I wasn't bringing it up so others had to share their pain with it too so I'm sorry I reminded you. ;_; Me, you and kyo are going to have to start putting books on our heads while on the computer. x'D
    Dimples!? Such a beauty, that's correct. Don't say you're joking when it's true. But SEVEN? Mate, give me some! :'3
    Ah and kyo~ NO MORE FAILING PLEASE. < 3
  14. Like
    beni got a reaction from Spectralion in #17: THE"420"THEATRICAL ROSES by MEJIBRAY   
    MEJIBRAY had originally caught my attention because of their eccentric and attractive Visual Kei image. I feel their second album captures their style almost to a t. Being one of many indie Visual Kei bands on the scene with such massive adoration from a healthy fanbase, the anticipated album doesn’t fail in delivering the juicy goodness of MEJIBRAY’s sound we all know and love. Compared to their first album, it flows a lot better, with a preferred track placement this time. Chocked full of brilliant singles and new songs, the album is a thrilling ride right from the get-go.
    The opener, “IDEA,” has a futuristic and eerie feel to it, thanks to an electro current going high and low in pitch. It’s a quick and fitting welcome to THE “420” THEATRICAL ROSES, and this is again delivered by the suitable, instrumental closing track “COPERNICUS.” We get right into the flow of the album with their newest released single “シアトリカル・ブルーブラック AI Ver.” which further offers a new sound to the album, making this release even more refreshing as these ‘AI Ver.’s are altered ever so slightly. “シアトリカル・ブルーブラック” was already a personal favourite of mine when it was released. The song, much like any Visual Kei single, follows an expected pattern. This can obviously be an issue for long time Visual Kei fans, but MEJIBRAY hits the nail on the head with this particular track. The chunky guitar and crazy drumming is super energetic and addicting. Tsuzuku’s vocals offer us what we’ve always received from him; a mix of clear singing, screeches, growls and screams. And let’s not forget how well MiA really works that guitar of his in his solo parts!
    “DiefiL” is up next and is a very enjoyable track even after such a excellent single backing it up beforehand. Like track three, “Hungry Psychopath” doesn’t slow down the energy, actually sounding more melodious than previous songs. Its repeated guitar chunking after the chorus is highlighted wonderfully before leading into the chorus which is ever so harmonious due to the swift change in tune. Tsuzuku’s higher pitched vocalisation is something to treasure in this track.
    The album seems to keep stepping up after every track for now, next with “Mr.レインは死んだふり.” The song falls and then rises to intense heights as Tsuzuku’s vocals alone accompanied by piano which continues to play along with the band into the chorus. Another ‘AI Ver.’ follows, this time of ‘RAVEN.’ Nothing can beat MEJIBRAY’s singles in my book and ‘RAVEN’ certainly doesn’t miss the mark. Dramatic and smooth, the chorus is even more pleasing to the ear compared to the highly enjoyable “DiefiL.” The steady and gripping pace of this single definitely shouldn’t be overlooked.
    Following tracks “埋葬虫” and “Contagion” continue to deliver the punches without exhausting the album. I particularly enjoyed “Contagion,” which takes on a slower tempo against the first load of rough tracks but still keeps Tsuzuku’s signature vocalisations in. It’s actually quite pleasant. Following in the ‘pleasant’ description, ballad “Echo” comes next. It’s unfortunate this album promoted track is the one ballad in the album, but already a problem might be spotted by a few listeners. At over six minutes long, it’s a lengthy track in an already packed album. But even if it looks unappealing, you better give it a chance. My view on MEJIBRAY’s ballads is that it’s the best produced songs of theirs. Tsuzuku’s voice is fitting to such a song and the instrumentals definitely compliment and drive this along, making it an emotional and smoothly delivered performance.
    Now, after nine tracks in, the album seems to exhaust considerably due to its big running time. This becomes increasingly obvious after this song as every other tune follows a similar formula to all the other previous, first half high energy songs, no longer sounding individual. As a massive fan, it’s disappointing to admit. Even though we've waited a while for a full-length album, it may be a bit too much. So, while every track packs a punch, the album itself may fail keeping listeners gripped from start to end, not managing to impress newcomers or even long time listeners. But this album is a definite step up from their first. I look forward to the band progressing further and finding their place and sound in the scene before being seen as unoriginal or uninspiring. With an eye catching album cover and beautiful detail to attire and music delivery, you've gotta give these guys some credit at least. Step up lads and prove to us all your worth!

  15. Like
    beni reacted to Ito in 25 Days of ChristMHas! The Staff Album Picks of 2014.   
    Day 14 - 夜の本気ダンス  - DANCE STEP (honki dance - DANCE STEP)

    Release Date: 2014-03-05
    Label: actwise/Streetwise
    Genre: Rock/Indie

    Impressions from
    Impressions from @Original Saku

    CDJapan | HMV | iTunes (Japan)
  16. Like
    beni got a reaction from Zeus in #17: THE"420"THEATRICAL ROSES by MEJIBRAY   
    MEJIBRAY had originally caught my attention because of their eccentric and attractive Visual Kei image. I feel their second album captures their style almost to a t. Being one of many indie Visual Kei bands on the scene with such massive adoration from a healthy fanbase, the anticipated album doesn’t fail in delivering the juicy goodness of MEJIBRAY’s sound we all know and love. Compared to their first album, it flows a lot better, with a preferred track placement this time. Chocked full of brilliant singles and new songs, the album is a thrilling ride right from the get-go.
    The opener, “IDEA,” has a futuristic and eerie feel to it, thanks to an electro current going high and low in pitch. It’s a quick and fitting welcome to THE “420” THEATRICAL ROSES, and this is again delivered by the suitable, instrumental closing track “COPERNICUS.” We get right into the flow of the album with their newest released single “シアトリカル・ブルーブラック AI Ver.” which further offers a new sound to the album, making this release even more refreshing as these ‘AI Ver.’s are altered ever so slightly. “シアトリカル・ブルーブラック” was already a personal favourite of mine when it was released. The song, much like any Visual Kei single, follows an expected pattern. This can obviously be an issue for long time Visual Kei fans, but MEJIBRAY hits the nail on the head with this particular track. The chunky guitar and crazy drumming is super energetic and addicting. Tsuzuku’s vocals offer us what we’ve always received from him; a mix of clear singing, screeches, growls and screams. And let’s not forget how well MiA really works that guitar of his in his solo parts!
    “DiefiL” is up next and is a very enjoyable track even after such a excellent single backing it up beforehand. Like track three, “Hungry Psychopath” doesn’t slow down the energy, actually sounding more melodious than previous songs. Its repeated guitar chunking after the chorus is highlighted wonderfully before leading into the chorus which is ever so harmonious due to the swift change in tune. Tsuzuku’s higher pitched vocalisation is something to treasure in this track.
    The album seems to keep stepping up after every track for now, next with “Mr.レインは死んだふり.” The song falls and then rises to intense heights as Tsuzuku’s vocals alone accompanied by piano which continues to play along with the band into the chorus. Another ‘AI Ver.’ follows, this time of ‘RAVEN.’ Nothing can beat MEJIBRAY’s singles in my book and ‘RAVEN’ certainly doesn’t miss the mark. Dramatic and smooth, the chorus is even more pleasing to the ear compared to the highly enjoyable “DiefiL.” The steady and gripping pace of this single definitely shouldn’t be overlooked.
    Following tracks “埋葬虫” and “Contagion” continue to deliver the punches without exhausting the album. I particularly enjoyed “Contagion,” which takes on a slower tempo against the first load of rough tracks but still keeps Tsuzuku’s signature vocalisations in. It’s actually quite pleasant. Following in the ‘pleasant’ description, ballad “Echo” comes next. It’s unfortunate this album promoted track is the one ballad in the album, but already a problem might be spotted by a few listeners. At over six minutes long, it’s a lengthy track in an already packed album. But even if it looks unappealing, you better give it a chance. My view on MEJIBRAY’s ballads is that it’s the best produced songs of theirs. Tsuzuku’s voice is fitting to such a song and the instrumentals definitely compliment and drive this along, making it an emotional and smoothly delivered performance.
    Now, after nine tracks in, the album seems to exhaust considerably due to its big running time. This becomes increasingly obvious after this song as every other tune follows a similar formula to all the other previous, first half high energy songs, no longer sounding individual. As a massive fan, it’s disappointing to admit. Even though we've waited a while for a full-length album, it may be a bit too much. So, while every track packs a punch, the album itself may fail keeping listeners gripped from start to end, not managing to impress newcomers or even long time listeners. But this album is a definite step up from their first. I look forward to the band progressing further and finding their place and sound in the scene before being seen as unoriginal or uninspiring. With an eye catching album cover and beautiful detail to attire and music delivery, you've gotta give these guys some credit at least. Step up lads and prove to us all your worth!

  17. Like
    beni got a reaction from hitsuji-hime in random thoughts thread   
    Well this is... grand... This user, I checked out the account, doesn't seem to use it much at all. Not many activites done on it. A troll maybe? Having read the links, I was actually blaming her because if she's continuing to harass the band member, she's just adding more fuel to the fire. Is he just joking? Trying to scare her off? He surely must know joking about it on the internet anyway is risky and silly. And if he's been saying it so much and not actually doing anything about it then it must be just a sick joke. Hopefully. Maybe they both just want attention, I don't know..
    On another note, Seimeisen, your avatar is always so fabulous.
  18. Like
    beni reacted to kyoselflove in random thoughts thread   
    everyone should change their avatars to xmas related things, even though i could care less about xmas haha xD
  19. Like
    beni reacted to doombox in 25 Days of ChristMHas Discussion Thread - 2014   
    I realize my choice of words may have been a little careless in my last post. I was kind of trying to post quickly before I ran out of the house and didn't put a lot of thought into how insulting they might come off. But I still feel that this choice may have been more business driven than artistic, personally. But that's all speculation on my part, of course. I heartily agree they have what it takes and they'll put out some great music in the future. I mean, they already have put out some really great stuff. Kyogen Neurose had its share of great tracks.
  20. Like
    beni got a reaction from doombox in 25 Days of ChristMHas Discussion Thread - 2014   
    It's a very enjoyable album, but as I also said, I fully agree with you. The comparisons can't be helped with this band, and what you just said makes it sound like very little was their own inspiration. But then again, it's that what happens with most bands? I lot of influences might be more obvious than others. But I think, like OOR, they'll grow a lot. They've already got what it takes, in my eyes.
  21. Like
    beni reacted to Kaye in #14: 虚言NEUROSE by MY FIRST STORY   
    While I do like the release, I think that out of their three albums it's the weakest one. I love Black Rail, and the title track isn't bad either, but apart from that there's not really anything that sticks while I did have this with the previous releases.
    What I do love is that it's obvious Hiroki keeps getting better and better, and I hope they'll continue to reinvent themselves with ever single release so that they'll fall into their best niche one day. Them sounding like OOR doesn't bother me too much, but I hope they at least stick to a more alternative version of them and don't become and exact copy. No matter how much I love both brothers and their bands, Hiroki isn't anywhere near Taka just yet.
  22. Like
    beni got a reaction from IGM_Oficial in The Extremely Official MH J-meme Thread   
    Bumping this again in the hope more'll come in because I don't want this thread to die! More fab kyary which is more relevant to the thread and the time of year compared to my last post haha. Puns are just too good.

  23. Like
    beni got a reaction from Anne Claire in The Extremely Official MH J-meme Thread   
    Bumping this again in the hope more'll come in because I don't want this thread to die! More fab kyary which is more relevant to the thread and the time of year compared to my last post haha. Puns are just too good.

  24. Like
    beni reacted to hitsuji-hime in random thoughts thread   
    one of my biggest dreams in life is to see Gara crossdressing.
  25. Like
    beni got a reaction from Spectralion in 25 Days of ChristMHas Discussion Thread - 2014   
    Zeus-san expressed how I felt with the album above, I really was 'positively surprised.' I gave one of their albums a listen ages ago and was blown away. It was just unfortunate I'll stick to the first musicians I got into more. >< I can agree with the 'taking in very small doses' part with this particular band. But that I can only actually say for that first album of theirs in this double release. It's a lot to take in on a 1 hour listen, but as I already said, it was totally worth it in the end. I'll be going back to both albums soon, I'm sure. But I can't recommend their second album enough. It's a lot more easier to get into, in my opinion, since it's not a full on metal hour like the previous one sounded. But I'm going to stand up for them on that last part. I didn't find any track boring at all. Exhausting is a more appropriate word to me, if I was any other listener. And damn son, guitars and sound was weak in the album!? You listen to some flawless metal! ^^ And yay to being honest and giving your opinion. It's the first time on here opinions on one of the releases has been so split!
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