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Everything posted by beni

  1. beni

    Be careful of making a thread which has already been made! Thanks @CAT5
  2. beni

    My first ever J-indie band I found. Will always be a group I'll remember and go back and forth to.
  3. Great releases throughout this whole month, holy pumpkins.

    1. yakihiko


      Yes :D Now after this month will probably come the phase without good releases XD

    2. doombox


      March is always a good month for releases, I've noticed in the past. Maybe it's the equinox. XD

  4. beni

    Hello me. This is so depressing to me because I actually need more clothes but the only money I get I keep putting onto game releases. ='D I'm just complaining about my own money spending here without thinking. xD
  5. beni

    Soooooo many similar favourite bands, holy plums. And hey, if you take a look to the left, looky at my current avatar... x'D Yay!~ LM.C, Lycaon, Mejibray, Dog in the POW; hell... to the YES, my friend. : 3 Awesome of you to join and approach us with this great introduction post. :'3 I do hope you enjoy your time here with us! I remember being the same with my first post but you'll feel right at home here soon, I'm sure. Please do join us in the chat whenever you'd like, and also, if you're free on Sundays or any evenings (depending on what your timezone is), we have plug sessions going on (I can expand on this if you'd confused, of course). I hope to see you around as much as I'm already seeing which is really lovely. Also, recommending Last.fm too, a lot of us are on it! ^-^
  6. beni

    'Our birds.' X'D Happy birthday you two! : 3 @-Black_Bird- @-Black:Bird-
  7. beni

    I achieved getting a friend into something Japanese for the first time ever after introducing him to a few. The only one he got into? ...AKB48. Good enough.
  8. beni

    @HippieFrog and @ByakuranHaru, happy birthday you guys!
  9. A special plug session to celebrate a certain someone's special b-day; https://plug.dj/monochrome-heaven

    1. kyoisKILLINGME



    2. beni


      I want to try and find birthday songs but NOOOOOOOO, I CANNOT LOCATE ANY ATM. XD Cat theme tonight, defo. ;3

  10. beni

    I have a rather weird love and interest in anything containing horns because of its symbolism and tie into what it's in, so I wanted to give this a watch for a while but I always kept forgetting. So thanks for the reminded and for the lil review. I still want to check it out just because of the horns but the fact that the acting you said is bad and it's starring Radcliffe I can't be surprised at lol. 'The Woman In Black' is so bad just because it's him acting to me aha. Anyway, I expected it like the trailers too so I guess I'm going in this like I'll be doing with 'Tusk.' Dat movie, LOL. I ADORE this movie! I must check out all the Chan movies you've watched and spoken of, he's so important, I need more. X'D
  11. beni

    That is the best banner I have ever seen anywhere. ;3;
  12. beni

    And a happy birthday to today's lot, @kagerou, @No.47 and @neko!
  13. Have a purrfect bday, kitty-kun~

    1. CAT5


      Thank you benidoll-sama! :3

  14. beni

    Early happy birthday shout out to the one and only absolutely incredible and utterly wonderful @CAT5. <3
  15. beni

    My sis is so obsessed with this! nothing to add to topic ;;
  16. beni

    Your avi definitely always makes up for it, love. ;3 omg that sig *.* <3
  17. beni

    XD I think I find the sigs more so since they're GIFS, so they're moving lol. Aferni's too funny. Such choices, lmao. On a sort of side note/usual rant; I've just logged back in and I've hit the like quota. *facepalm*
  18. beni

    ...Please tell me I'm not the only one still (don't tell me I'm the only one~) questioning what 's sig is. XD
  19. beni

    <3 THE BEST AND ONLY BATMAN, YES! x'D Happy birthday @Wazmusashius!!
  20. WELCOME BACK! <3 I really really reeaaalllly hope you'll stick around for a bit more now that you've returned! I know we haven't talked but I've seen you around and yes, I miss you from a stranger distance. XD I hope you can enjoy the time you'll come on here and feel happy and comfortable in being here. ^^
  21. beni

    Please take care and I REALLY hope to see you here again darling! <3 Good luck with everything and I hope you can get everything back on track and visit us again and be active real soon! You will be missed. ;w;
  22. beni

    Happy birthday guys~ @Enhalgala, and @cirrus!
  23. beni

    Happy birthday @CaRaN : 3
  24. beni

    Hello and welcome to MH! Awesome of you to decide to join us lot, yay! Been a Japanese music fan for ages, wow. I love how you said 'like the one in my avatar' and it's a doll, not a band. X'D I get whatcha mean though, haha. Interesting likes! Got any favourite bands at the moment? I'm guessing the mighty DeG is up there! Awesomeness. I've added you on Last.fm by the way, we've got SUPER compatibility. ;3 Nice favourites of this year too, very enjoyable releases. Your English is brilliant so no worries about that, thank you for coming out and making an introduction. Also, you're moving to Tokyo in the future!? Oh my gosh, amazing. Do enjoy yourself and take care. See you around and have fun!
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