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Status Updates posted by beni

  1. Happy birthday to Disposable!

  2. Happy birthday to Furik for yesterday, and Metoichi for today! ^^

    1. Metoichi



  3. Happy birthday to herpes and Manic.

  4. Happy birthday yakihiko-kun and Jiggly-san. x3 <3

    1. yakihiko


      Thanks ٩( 'ω' )و

    2. Jigsaw9


      ariiiigatooooo~ ;3

  5. Happy birthday, Zeus-sama~

  6. Happy New Year to you all~ Hope 2015 is a better year for everyone and, to those who are out atm/planning to go out, take care, you read me?

    1. PsychoΔelica


      Celebrated with a friend, her dog and a bunch of strangers at her house :'D

    2. beni


      Awww, good time! I hope you lot enjoyed yourself. And the way you use 'strangers' sounds a bit worrying lol. x'D Hope you have a great 2015 husbando~ (we are still one, right!? >.< xD)

    3. PsychoΔelica


      Kinda... Well it was weird but that's ok. At least I wasn't alone, that would've been depressing. You know what we say, you'll spend the year the way you greeted it xD You too waifu-chan, sou desu ne =)

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  7. Happy Valentine's Day MH~ *hugs and kisses all round* <3

  8. Have a purrfect bday, kitty-kun~

    1. CAT5


      Thank you benidoll-sama! :3

  9. Having done a photoshoot where male students had one half of their face as normal and the other half made to look like a female, it was like a paradise to me. xD Drag queen heaven.

    1. beni


      kyo, I know right!? I've never complimented so many people before in one room alone. xD Totally worth it. Peace Heavy, that's exactly the reason why we did the photoshoot, a reponse to his work. Best part of the course to me hehe.

    2. PsychoΔelica


      Cool, I hope it didn't look like this xD 010-450x600.jpg?d7aed3

    3. beni


      xD That's too fabulous for my eyes!

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  10. Having to retake math GCSE and being the only one in the class still not understanding the basics. D: Such fail.

    1. shizukasou


      Math is the devil. Felt and did the same back in high school...It'll get better hopefully, don't give up! ><

    2. Tetora


      If you need some help PM me, I had trouble with math when I started Uni too.

    3. beni


      Thank you guys, I haven't done any maths for 2 years so I better get it while I still can. Tetora, I wasn't expecting anyone to offer any guidance so I'm super grateful. If you don't mind that is. It's a bit late right now over here to attempt the compound shapes again but we're going onto something tougher so PM then if it's problematic!

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  11. Hello again lovelies :'3 https://plug.dj/monochrome-heaven

    1. beni


      XDD I am innocent, ahaha. :'P How did you know??

    2. kyoisKILLINGME


      because mostly your status is about plug xD so when i seen it

      i though about plug and i was right :D

    3. beni


      Oohhhhh, it literally is my status history lol. x'D Ahaha, yay, you're there! :'3

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  12. beni

    I don't know how you've done it, but you've managed to have an even more fabulous avi than before. Brilliant!

    1. Crube


      It's magic I tell you!

  13. I fail so hard too many times. ><

  14. I finally made the scones. Making them was fun but the regret came when eating them. ='D

    1. yakihiko


      So, did you save some to me ? :3

    2. beni


      I did but... I'm not so mean as to share cold, doughy badly shaped scones to dear yaki. X'D

    3. yakihiko


      Okay lol but when new hot scones come, you know what to do :DD

  15. I must apologise to fellow Lycaon avi lot. I changed so soon because I needed some Sho loving. x)

  16. I should not be feeling sad at a time like this.

    1. PsychoΔelica


      Why should you be?

    2. beni


      Thank you for your kindess you guys. <3 shizukasou, I hope you don't want those kittens back! Tetz, I'm sorry to admit it but I'd be laughing with you only because of how adorable you'd look lol. Hope it all went well, and I hope you all had a lovely xmas and can look forward to the New Year. *hugs*

    3. shizukasou


      Ah no worries, I could happily part with some if they can make someone's day better c: <3

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  17. I talk way too much *sigh*

    1. Zeus


      i find it cute

    2. kyoselflove
    3. beni


      I've been told a lot that others hate talkative people so I try to tone it down but it never works.. Thank you for the reassurance. hope and kyo, <3 And Zeus-san, I'm pleasantly surprised. >.< Thought I'd irritate you most!

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  18. I think I need to grow up a lot more before talking wow

  19. I think I should fall asleep and stay like that for a while.. : / Many months would be good.

    1. kyoselflove


      Aww cheer up girl, you're wonderful <3

    2. beni


      kyo <3 Thank you, I'm better today, just had another 'fail' moment haha. And -k∆-m, if you see this, I'm sorry for saying this when I shouldn't even be complaining.

    3. PsychoΔelica


      Forget it :) I shouldn't have mentioned it.

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  20. I thought that nyan cat was a bug on my screen. Almost dropped my mobile. ;;

    1. Xerath
    2. fitear1590


      "Happy April Fool's Day, now your phone is broken!" -Luv MH

  21. I want to make scones, but I don't know how to make scones... when life gives you scone baking powder

    1. yakihiko


      I want scones ^.^

    2. Tetora


      Thanks in advance for making me and Yakihiko scones.

    3. doombox
  22. I'm glad your signature worked. Looking goooooooood!

    1. kyoisKILLINGME


      thanks :D after i had to resize it but it works now :D still don't know why i always have a hard changing sigs x.x

  23. I'm trying not to panic but no audio is playing from my computer... ;_;

    1. doombox


      *crosses fingers* Here's hoping it's a simple fix.

    2. beni


      YAY. It did work, thank you so much guys. Now I know not to worry < 3

    3. doombox


      Glad to hear it's working again! :D

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  24. If I'm ever on here when I'm tired/should be sleeping, I'm sorry for anything I say. Shoo me away.

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