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Status Updates posted by VisualKEIcrasher

  1. Is closetchild safe to shop from?

    1. VisualKEIcrasher


      Cool, thanks. Now all I have to do is figure out how to order in Japanese.

    2. Seimeisen
    3. VisualKEIcrasher


      :D Thank-you very very much!

      I'll now be able to buy some Canzel CDs.

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  2. How weird would it be if a band announced that they'll disband but they stick through it and remain a band

  3. Is $33 too much for two singles?

  4. I have a feeling that I waisted my money on buying a SuG CD.

    1. Tetora


      I am sure Takeru will put the money to good use.

    2. PsychoΔelica
  5. It's pretty rare but nice when bands release free singles.

    1. Bear


      Run the Jewels just dropped their second album, and as with the first one it's free. Class! More of this shit, please. Makes me want to support the artist actually.

    2. VisualKEIcrasher


      :o Me too! That's how I found out about DELACROIX. Free singles means that I buy more from them as they think more of their fans I believe.
  6. It's natural to get bored of people right?

    1. VisualKEIcrasher


      True, true. I feel bad because I want to stop talking and find new people. I especially want to do so in person, my current friends kind of bore me but keep me entertained to a certain extent.

    2. PsychoΔelica


      Do so while you can :P

    3. VisualKEIcrasher


      Hai hai. I shall try to enjoy the friends that I have.

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  7. Horror movies. I love them <3

    1. VisualKEIcrasher


      Haven't seen Evil Dead 2 but I have yet to see a movie that'll scare my pants off.

    2. kyoselflove


      Grave Encounters scared me, I almost turned it off because the beginning is so ridiculously cheesy lol.

    3. VisualKEIcrasher


      Hmmm.... I'll give it a shot!

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  8. I just found some old fake band biographies I wrote. I used to make up my own people and put them in a band, everything from how they looked to their singles, albums, etc. Fun but weird ._.

    1. hitsuji-hime


      And I thought I was the only one *___*

    2. VisualKEIcrasher


      :D FINALLY! Someone understands and can relate
    3. hitsuji-hime
  9. Hmmm.. Yukimi seems to be doing good minus having to retire from drumming ^^

    1. Tetora


      What do you mean, have not been keeping up.

    2. VisualKEIcrasher



      Apparently Yukimi did some kind of collab with a clothing company? or some designing.

  10. Any DELACROIX fans?

    1. The Piass
    2. gantzking20
    3. VisualKEIcrasher


      Thank goodness ^^ One month and 1 day to support until the disbandment :( we will all miss them

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  11. G.A.L.D

    1. Owl


      Screaming for hopeless my all the pain.

      Damn. Wanna listen to them now.

    2. VisualKEIcrasher


      :D DELUHI forever~

      Seeing their last live DVD made me sad.

  12. .... It's weird. For some reason I can't stop having dreams about this certain girl. Not to mention my dream had the words "K-pop" in them.

  13. If I could be Sujk or Ruka for a day, my life would be complete. My two favorite drummers.

  14. .... No notifications that people comment on my status?

  15. Oh... Nightmare to release a new live DVD this November

  16. It was an awful idea to take dual credit classes.....

  17. Hooray! my copy of (anima) by Nightmare arrived today ^^

    1. WhiteWolf


      awesome album :)

    2. PsychoΔelica


      Congrats :D Nice profile pic btw ^_^

  18. XD OH GOD! Someone compared the GazettE to BVB & SWS. My sides!!! So many butthurt YT comments

    1. eiheartx


      how about n o. they've nothing in common, just how O_o

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      oh so they're like a Japanes BVB cool!!

  19. I wonder how long Nightmare will keep making music? Everyone is in their 30s. Not too old or too youg.

    1. nekkichi


      I don't see them going away, the l'arc en ciel of this generation

    2. togz


      Yeah I don't see them going away but they really need a break.

  20. Luzmelt discography coming within the early morning for Saturday.

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