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Posts posted by PsychoΔelica

  1. There aren't a lot of vk bands I still listen to, but out of those I miss
    12012 - I haven't been following them too closely  but some of their songs (opposed to the ones that are downright silly) are the perfect comfort food for me. They're one of these bands I wish I could see live.

    Siva - They had a way too short lifespan and made too little music, half of which was singles and mini albums with the same songs ~_~ And I miss seing Cell play bass, though I have a feeling we'll see him again (I hope so).

    Viored - same as above, way too short lifespan.

    Metronome - Even though I like the members' solo project I would die to see Sharaku and Fukusuke in the same band again :/

    And of course Sugar and EllDorado.

  2. Because I lived in tropical country, I never sleep under the cover and use my comfiest clothes.

    But when I have people coming over, I keep my daily clothes even when I go to sleep.

    Best thing to sleep naked :P

    Why do people in movies never sleep under the covers? They always just drop themselves onto a bed and fall asleep. Isn't that cold? Isn't it uncomfortable when you keep on your daily clothes? I couldn't imagine sleeping in jeans.

    Better ask why do they always keep their makeup on. Who in their right mind does?

  3. I came to a conclusion I have an inherent dislike to anything sci-fi and fantasy, don't care about thrillers and horror, get bored by historical novels, plays and romance novels, aka women's books; and the only thing I am willing to read is adventure (as of today at least). I started reading a book picked absolutely randomly, called Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts. It seems pretty cool so far.

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