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Posts posted by PsychoΔelica

  1. Finally watched Perdo Almodovar's Talk to Her. I remember seeing movie posters back when it was out in the cinemas here, but I suppose back then I thought it was bullshit and it didn't interest me. But now I see it in a totally different light. Overall tt's a really touching movie, and a bit weird in places, but I really enjoyed it, even though I did cry at certain moments. This is also my first Almodovar movie, and now I feel like watching some more of his work.

  2. I kind of like owning the physical copy. It just feels weird for me owning something digital with my hard earned monies for some reason.

    I feel the same. When I purchase a digital release I don't actually feel as if I own that release. I only own something if it's on my shelf or in my drawer, with an actual disc, booklet and case.

    I agree that it feels different. But CDs seem like such a redundant media nowadays. On the other hand buying digitally allows you to support the artist in some way (though one can always just download). As for booklets, for me they have no great value at the end of the day. Sure it's nice to have an art to look at, but when I can't at least read what it says I eventually lose interest and the box just ends up collecting dust somewhere. So idk, lol.

  3. I wonder what's the point in buying physical cds that you can't listen to anywhere outside your computer or car nor can you copy the tracks from. I've been dubious about this ever since buying Aula that went out of commision after just a few listens. Other than for sentimental value I don't really see the point anymore tbh...

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