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Posts posted by PsychoΔelica

  1. Naw I just eat things straight out of the tin as they are. Raw vegetables, rice and no seasoning beyond salt and pepper on the meat. If it's a good day I'll soak everything in tabasco. The only variety I allow myself for dinner is different vegetables and salmon instead of chicken. Can't be arsed to do recipes. 

    I feel like inviting you for dinner, haha.

  2. I got it at CVS , they had a bunch of animal skeletons out for Halloween decorations! I'm not sure if it's completely anatomically correct since it's a decoration but I'm definitely using it for an art project at some point.

    Still, it's pretty cool :) I am looking for a more less realistic dummy. But those seem to be fucking expensive >_<

    Btw, what motion range does this one have? It looks poseable.

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