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Posts posted by PsychoΔelica

  1. I wish Siva and Viored would get back together instead of doing god knows what, and at least some of my favorite bands come to play in my country (not in a thousand years ¬_¬). I wish jrock bands would stop bragging about wanting to go to new places and finally get their shit together and actually do it.

    And also that D would stop being so cheesy and make music as good as their earlier stuff (i.e. Love Means Sacrifice, Shiroi Yoru).

  2. Truly, ''likes'' & ''comments'' are the ''us dollars'' of the post-millenial generation.... a cruel and ruthless economy...

    Cuz if you're not liked/commented/reblogged you don't exist. Everybody lives for attention nowadays, unless you're a peasant.

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