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About PsychoΔelica

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    Kyo's Mattress

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  1. Need a good car stereo instead of this cringeworthy piece of shit with no bass. >_< Why did I even buy that? 

    1. Himeaimichu


      I know a similar feeling. My car has one of those computer screens where you can control the EQ, but it has no midrange setting, so i'm having to battle between having a lot of bass, having a lot of treble, or having both and the car just sounding like a Boss Metalzone pedal plugged into a Line 6 Spider Amp. I've reached a point where it sounds acceptable, but I damn know it can be way better

    2. PsychoΔelica


      Is that thing built in?

    3. Himeaimichu


      Yes, and it's not exactly replaceable. It's more of a fault with the OS of the system than the stereo itself. 

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