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About PsychoΔelica

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  1. Can anyone please tell me how to do a system restore on a lapotp? I was trying to follow some instructions I found about this but I fail so bad, holy shit. 

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    2. PsychoΔelica


      Maybe I can toggle some of Win10 functions or something then?

    3. YuyoDrift


      Actually I was wondering if he had a recovery drive to go back to Win8, since he didn't want Win10 anymore.


      BUT now that I'm thinking about it @Δrche, why not just use compatibility mode for the programs that aren't working on Win10?

    4. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      most likely the reason why you are having problems is because it wasn't a fresh install of win10, I've noticed that their can be some problems if you do the whole OS upgrade thing, I was also having some weird problems on my laptop after going from win8 to 10, but it was all fixed once I factory reset and installed win10 fresh instead of carrying over all my stuff. If you have a backup drive where you can dump any important files you want to hold onto I definitely recommend starting fresh with win10, despite what people say about it's security protocols it is still miles better than win8 imo

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