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Status Replies posted by Nisimaldar

  1. I'm still annoyed at myself because I bought Girugamesh tickets for TWO lives and then found out that on one of the dates Coldrain is playing too, but in different city. And since I'm only available on the weekends and thus can't make a different Coldrain live, I've magnificently fucked myself 

    1. Nisimaldar


      I've already made plans with friends (we've already booked our train tickets) so I don't want to leave them hanging... I'll just hope that coldrain will be back someday soon. ;<

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. It feels like Dir en Grey always has a shit time at festivals in Europe... Perhaps the negative aspects stand out more but that is how it seems to me...

    1. Nisimaldar


      "Rock im revier". I just never hear neutral or just good things (also from themselves) about their festival lives haha - except Wacken, I think. But as I said, perhaps I just notice the negative stuff more...

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. so DeG brought the support band with them. they are not bad and it's nice of them support other artists but I'd rather hear DeG now and then go home and sleep

    1. Nisimaldar


      They did not talk to the crowd at all but were kinda acting... Mysterious (?)... Is guess joking with the crowd would not really fit into their act. They are basically the way they have always been ;) like: kyo is first off stage and Die stays the longest and during the live they all stare into the crowd

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  4. so DeG brought the support band with them. they are not bad and it's nice of them support other artists but I'd rather hear DeG now and then go home and sleep

    1. Nisimaldar


      "outside the coma" is their name. DeG played Arche and "the final" and ppl loved it haha

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  5. so DeG brought the support band with them. they are not bad and it's nice of them support other artists but I'd rather hear DeG now and then go home and sleep

    1. Nisimaldar


      It's not that hardcore band from the Netherlands though. They're from london (?) and actually kinda good. Haha.. I will pick up their flyer at the end of the show and let you know

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  6. #teamviolet tbh.

    1. Nisimaldar


      ugh I wanna shag pearl so badly. the struggle is real

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  7. Hey didn't Born say that they wanted to release a (Europe)tour DVD? Did that already happen?

  8. Girugamesh had a great show in HK yesterday! Everyone was so high! XD I didn't expect them to sing old song Kowarete Iku Sekai as last song, I was so touched! Here's a recording but be warned of my phone's shitty sound recording. :P (posted in comment)

  9. WHO IS GOING TO SEE MUCC IN LONDON? I NEED A CONCERT BUDDY! (sorry for screaming, I'm excited)

  10. Someone staying at my house has shown me some t.v. shows; Breaking Bad, How to Get Away With Murder and Orange is the New Black. Hmmm....

    1. Nisimaldar


      Why haven't you seen Breaking Bad already? :<

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  11. I don't get why I procrastinate everytime... My deadline's tomorrow and I've still got 4000 words to write. It's gonna be a long night....

    1. Nisimaldar


      I'm so mad at myself right now. I didn't do anything yesterday or the day before that. Fuck you past-Nisimaldar...

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  12. Ugh, I am still hangover from yesterday's little christmas party and I am supposed to go school's halloween party in couple of hours

  13. Ugh, I am still hangover from yesterday's little christmas party and I am supposed to go school's halloween party in couple of hours

    1. Nisimaldar


      celebrating out of anticipation for a celebration... I like you Finish people.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  14. holy shit, 16 people died at a kpop concert and the band's management is just trying to cover shit up so as not to taint their band's image, disgusting

    1. Nisimaldar


      I knew there was a legitimate reason why I'm so suspicious of those damn tube vents or whatever the hell those things are for.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  15. OmG, got so wasted off beer and sake last night, can't function right now, just watching PV's, UNiTE, SID, DIV, Giru, the GOAT bands.... Also new My First Story PV is cool.

  16. I need to stop hooking up w/ security and barkeeper guys at concerts... JRock makes me slutty

  17. I'm seriously freaking out. 17 hours left. Then I'll see Lycaon. I feel like crying and laughing (mostly crying though) and I think I'm suffering from the worst pre-post-gig depression ever. Soon it will be over and they'll be gone. Boohoo :(

    1. Nisimaldar


      I neither get the Lycaon hype nor the Born hate that's going on, oh well, to each their own. Have fun at the concert!

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  18. remeber girls to flash them your melons, to show them your happy they came to you. like Shakira said so wonderfully "Act like you mean it."

    1. Nisimaldar


      I'm kind of annoyed with girls flashing their tits. It comes across as so desperate... Esp. cmon, you're at a concert, probably sweaty and gross (oh, how sweaty boobs can get...) and not exactly Kate Upton in a Burger King ad. Be sexy with your shirt on and come join me in the moshpit.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  19. remeber girls to flash them your melons, to show them your happy they came to you. like Shakira said so wonderfully "Act like you mean it."

  20. So I just found some minced meat lying on the ground where we usually take our puppy to go potty. Seriously fuck you people, I'm so freaking out at the moment I can't do anything productive. Fuck you.

    1. Nisimaldar


      I've never heard of something like that, that's horrible >:[ (At first I assumed you were vegan too (like me) and grossed out by processed meat... haha)

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  21. Why is MYV not ageing? What kind of witchcraft is this...

    1. Nisimaldar


      btw I'm not saying he looks old, I'm saying he doesn't look older :D

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

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