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Posts posted by akiko

  1. Honestly I felt tired while I've listened to this album.

    I LOVED so many songs from VARIOUS album.

    All four songs from THE SILENT SONG single are the most amazing masterpiece they released.

    For me their music started to sound worse when Issei left. CHEDOARA had so many positive reviews, but for my ears this album was only average.

    MISC is the proof of that some bands can't make listenable music when they lost the main composer.

    This album has maybe two songs that I can stand.

    But I don't remember which ones, because they get lost between rest of the songs and unnecesary intros.

  2. Their bassist is Koichi clone, he has:


    -the same hairstyle and pink hair

    - labret piercing

    - he's left handed bassist

    - and he wears the same clothes as Koichi (he wears the eyepatch too on some pictures)


    (no matter that his hair color is now more violet than pink)




  3. OMG, I can't believe...
    I fell in love with their first single three years ago, and since then supported them by buying their releases from iTunes...

    i.Rias became one of my favorite bands ;___;

    キミテキーラ47°!! was released a while ago and it's such an amazing single...

    I'm gonna miss them 💔

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