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Ada Suilen

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    Ada Suilen reacted to Karma’s Hat in Recommended Tracks: December 2016   
    I've now listened to both this and the track that was linked on the DECAYS review and I've liked them both despite my best efforts to not to. The impression left by SECRET MODE ( just the song, I listened 2 nuffin els' ) was of this slick pop rock both so inoffensive and meandering that one could hardly attribute a trait to its featureless mass, like musical teflon that'd eventually kill you by lethal poisoning should you indulge in it too much. 
    Now first I've had that JUMPIN JACK FOEVAA chorus playing in my head ever since I heard it. You can tell that it's from the same band, but something has happened. It reminded me a lot of visual kei actually, and Drifting Litter has just fortified that impression. I'm getting strange Buck-tick vibes from it, though it could just be from the visuals — which I love, unlike the cool filters dime-a-dozen indie twat written all over the SECRET MODE PV.  Very surprised by this turn of events and I'll get the album forthwith. 
  2. Like
    Ada Suilen reacted to CAT5 in Recommended Tracks: December 2016   
    Happy New Years, everyone! December was a super busy month for the ORZ crew, so we have a bite-sized selection of new tracks to recommend you guys this month, but rest assured, they're delectable as always!
    Thanks to our guest contributors @Lestat and @Ada Suilen! As usual, we apologize if some videos aren't available due to region restrictions.
    @CAT5's Picks
    "紫光 (shikou)" by 八十八ヶ所巡礼 (88kasyo Junrei)

    88kasyo Junrei have released an album every year, without fail, from 2009 all the way up through 2015, usually within the month of August. Having taken their prolificness for granted, most of us had assumed that a 2016 release would be given. Sadly, that wasn't the case, but Margaret and the crew must have sensed our yearnings, as they dropped this PV out of the blue shortly into December. And while no new album has been announced yet, what they've served us here is certainly appeasing! "shikou" is somewhat different for 88kasyo. These guys don't usually make a habit of restraining themselves - often taking every opportunity to noodle our faces off and pummel us with their cacophonous insanity - so it was a bit of a shock to hear how subdued this track was at first. But it came as an even bigger surprise that this track still manages to fucking rock! It's a slower tune for them, sure, but the band's musical acumen hasn't been diminished one bit because of it. Margaret employs a squeaky, rap-like flow while providing one of the band's most memorable basslines, Kenzoooooo's drumming is as coercive as ever, and Katzuya sprinkles just enough of his psychedelic guitar work in the mix to be potent. What I thought at first was 'restraint', was actually just the band exercising their instincts with a newfound control. "shikou" isn't just the 88kasyo taking it easy, it shows a mature step forward in the band's songwriting. I can't wait for what's next!
      "さよーならあなた (Sayounara Anata)" by カネコアヤノ (Kaneko Ayano) The Japanese Folk/Singer-Songwriter realm has been pretty uneventful for me this year. My personally appointed 'Celestial Goddess' of modern J-folk Ichiko Aoba proved to be mundane after all, with her humdrum follow-up to 2013's masterpiece 0. And the much less renown, but equally dear to me, mmm/me-my-mo made a brief appearance early in the year with her band Maria Hato, releasing a single titled "C.P.U" (that I wrote about in February's edition of RT), which was brilliant, but only managed to whet my appetite. Enter Kaneko Ayano. While not as quirky as mmm, and certainly nowhere near Aoba's ethereal genius, Kaneko's straightforward and simple sound has been a refreshing serving of the folky tunes I've been craving from 2016. She's released two EPs this year - hug back in April, and Sayounara Anata just recently. The title track diverges from her usual, barebones acoustic approach and includes a full band backing that really vitalizes her already emotive sound. It almost sounds like risette and ミラーボールズ (mirrorballs) were smoothly merged together - the end result is the perfect blend of carefree indie-pop and adorably earnest folk-rock.
    "Youth" by Young Juvenile Youth

    Young Juvenile Youth, YJY for short, consists of vocalist Yuki and producer/beatmaker Jemapur. Having formed in 2012 and only having released their debut EP in 2015, they're relatively new to the scene,  but have already carved out a bit of a niche for themselves. Their latest single "YOUTH" is a beacon of this musical alcove that they've built: sleek, minimal electronic music that you'd sooner hear out of London than Tokyo. Not exactly trip-hop, but certainly not electro-pop either, "Youth" sports a sound that would be difficult to find contemporaries for in Japan. The synths are meticulously layered and arranged, and the beat is just chill enough to garner a contemplative head-nod. There's also a certain accessibility to Yuki's vocals, but the songwriting feels really subtle in its pop aspects. "Youth" shows a lot of promise, and while YJY may not be topping the Oricon charts anytime soon, they do have the potential to expand on an international scale, while also being a singular force within Japan.
    @beni's Pick

    "The Lights" by FABLED NUMBER

    Another month, another random gem found. This time it's FABLED NUMBER. The little known rock band reminds me of SILHOUETTE FROM THE SKYLIGHT, but with a pop/electronic edge. This makes for a very accessible sound, and the song's energy does not let up at any point. You'll want to continuously repeat the track in no time! They instantly caught my attention with this tune, and hopefully that's the same case for others. It's a real shame that these guys are so unknown compared to other, similar bands, as they show great potential in this latest single of theirs. Here's to hoping you also check out their debut album coming out in early February entitled ILLUMINATE!
    @togz's Pick
    "埋葬 (maisou)" by RAZOR 

    I was a little worried as to where RAZOR's line-up would take them.  After their mini-album RED INVISIBLE dropped, all my worries went away. The release is a solid listen as a whole, which you can learn more about in @Zeus' review of it here. The track that really made me move was "埋葬 (maisou)".  It's upbeat from the start, but fairly heavy for a visual kei composition. Ryoga's fast paced speaking along with the guitars builds into a really fun environment when the instrumentals and vocals come together. The phrasing is predictable, but that makes it easier to anticipate where the song is going and, in my opinion, makes for a damn good live song. Nothing is more satisfying than seeing a band and hearing them for the first time while not having to worry about whether you can follow the crowd or not. It's a song you can simply feel and really rock out to. 
      @Zeus' Pick
    "drifting litter" by DECAYS  

    It's no secret DECAYS has redeemed themselves with their transformation, and I've extolled the virtues of Baby who wanders enough in my review. What I didn't mention in the review was my favorite track on the album, and that would be "drifting litter". This hypnotic, hazy ballad is at odds with the overall direction of the album, adopting a thick, dark tone. The melody is anchored in place by the thick bass and guitar and Nakamura commands the chorus completely. The pure rock guitar solo in the middle skyrockets the song to eleven. If Baby who wanders wasn't dark or heavy enough for you, then this is what you are looking for.
    @Original Saku's Pick
    "人魚の檻 (ningyo no ori)"  by 陰陽座 (Onmyo-za)

    Onmyo-za is a band that comes and goes for me. In that, I mean that they're a group who I enjoy a great deal when they release something, but I don't keep up with specifically, so more often than not it's like a nice little present that soon fades till the next one. "人魚の檻" from the band's newest effort Karyoubinga is just one of those aforementioned 'presents'. While being a whopping seven minutes six seconds long, it comes in as the longest song on the album and does not suffer for it. The track begins calm and serene then Kuroneko chimes in with her beautiful soft vocal technique that can only be described as 'heavenly'. It soon flows into the backing guitar riffs that thunder and transform the song into something more chaotic but, still beautiful. Shortly after the guitars kick in, Matatabi gets his turn with his trademark deep, powerful vocals that eventually lead into dual vocal excellence between the two. The track progresses into the instrumental bit where Maneki and Karukan show off their prowess and melt my face off in the process. The last minute and a half takes on a very 'haunting' aesthetic that slows down the tempo and closes out wonderfully.
      Guest Recommendations:
    @Lestat's Picks
    "輪舞曲 (rondo)" by 藍-AI-

    I wonder if I have traversed in to the mysterious universe of Konami's Castlevania, as "輪舞曲" promptly astonishes me with an enigmatic alliance of both a devout organ and a set of dungeon-crawling synthesizers. Whoever praises the unnatural and the unknown realms will likely appreciate this on short notice, as it is fully enclosed by the strange and the dark. While an engaging bass performs its own black magic and whirs away, the track sneaks along this very murky line, slowly approaching an evanescent moment of clarity; fog clears, and for a brief moment you open a dark cellar's trapdoors toward a more flitting, yet vigilant chorus, one where the opaque and ambiguous vocals of ex-DEATHGAZE's 藍-AI- take on a transparency in the wee hour's quickly fading light. 
    "-SHAMBARA-" by R指定 (R-Shitei)

    All the while, R指定 have proven themselves multifaceted goliaths, able to mutate or evolve at will. The immensely popular band does not discriminate between dawn and dusk, and waltzes among both pop rock and heavy metal in swiftly taken steps. Give this ingenuous and tireless group a sound, concept or genre, and they will shape and form it into their very own inherent creation. One of those consistent transformations takes place in "-SHAMBARA-", wherein マモ (Mamo) and his gang do not shy away from channeling the obscure Dir en grey through otherworldly sonant assemblies and distressing squalls from the deep. This is where R指定 release their inner demons and convey their ghastly messages through tuned down equipment, a swarm of screams and breakdowns, and a lone guitar's eerie-sounding strum.
    @Ada Suilen's Picks
    "The Buddha" by LM.C

    The most freaking and colorful J-rock duo of the moment achieves the important score of ten years in the music industry, and for this occasion, they decided to make this year pretty interesting; starting from the colorful rocking "MONROEwalk" and then the nostalgic and soft dyed "Rainmaker". They released their fifth album Veda this month, where they maintained and improved their eccentric and beating sound in all the shades they know best. In this track, the duo brought something mature and innovative to their sound, along with an electro-exotic vibe which never hurts, for this is one of their best tracks for sure.
    "Ai to ai so nokosazu (Baby who wanders ver.)" by DECAYS

    When this band debuted with the song "Secret Mode", they didn't convince me at all, despite of the presence of Dir En Grey's Die and the famous singer Yusuke Kobayashi, two sure winners of the genre. With the mini-album Red or Maryam, my interest for them grew more, even if I felt that something lacked. And how, with the addition of the violinist Ayasa and the pop singer Ataru Nakamura (a pleasant discovery for me), the band found out what was lacking and this new take of the song shows it, with its energy, grace and sensuality, all filtered inside a wonderful rock theme. It's a track everyone should listen to and that is quite hard to forget. 
    Thanks for checking out our recommendations this month! If you have any thoughts on our list or recommendations of your own, please feel free to comment below! If you're interested in being a guest contributor, contact either @CAT5 or @doombox
    See you all next month! ^_~
  3. Like
    Ada Suilen reacted to The Piass in New MUCC album 脈拍 (Myakuhaku) release   
    TYPE A : 6920 yens + taxes
    CD :
    01. Myakuhaku
    02. Zettai Zetsumei
    03. CLASSIC
    04. KILLEЯ
    05. BILLY×2 -Entwines ROCK STARS-
    06. Ringo
    07. EMP
    08. Yue Ni Matenrou (ALBUM MIX)
    09. Himitsu
    10. Commune
    11. Wasurenagisa
    12. Sirius
    13. Fuka
    14. Heide
    DVD :
    ”Myakuhaku”High-Resolution Audio(48kHz/24bit)
    + Artbook 

    TYPE B : 3800 yens + taxes
    CD :
    01. Myakuhaku
    02. Zettai Zetsumei
    03. CLASSIC
    04. KILLEЯ
    05. BILLY×2 -Entwines ROCK STARS-
    06. Ringo
    07. EMP
    08. Yue Ni Matenrou (ALBUM MIX)
    09. Himitsu
    10. Commune
    11. Wasurenagisa
    12. Sirius
    13. Fuka
    14. Heide
    DVD :
    ”Myakuhaku”High-Resolution Audio(48kHz/24bit)

    Regular edition : 3000 yens + taxes
    CD :
    01. Myakuhaku
    02. Zettai Zetsumei
    03. CLASSIC
    04. KILLEЯ
    05. BILLY×2 -Entwines ROCK STARS-
    06. Ringo
    07. EMP
    08. Yue Ni Matenrou (ALBUM MIX)
    09. Himitsu
    10. Commune
    11. Wasurenagisa
    12. Sirius
    13. Fuka
    14. Heide
  4. Like
    Ada Suilen reacted to Shaolan974 in THE NOSTRADAMNZ new ep & new full album!   
    「大予言 - EP」(Daiyogen - EP) will be released at 2017/03/18 (5 songs, 750 yens)
    01. 世界と真実 (Sekai to Shinjitsu)
    02. the secret
    03. Skygazer
    04. Rolling on
    05. 震えてる (Furueteru)
  5. Like
    Ada Suilen reacted to BrenGun in THE NOSTRADAMNZ new ep & new full album!   
    The Nostradamnz will release a new ep this February or March, also this spring they will release their first FULL album! The Full album will contain only brand new songs no duplicated songs!
    For more details and the preview of a new song, please check this video
  6. Like
    Ada Suilen reacted to The Piass in DASEIN new album release !   
    Afters 15 years, DASEIN will release a new album called  "唯、此処に在る事が愛しくて"(tada, koko ni aru koto ga itoshikute)  on 2017.03.08.

  7. Like
    Ada Suilen reacted to Rosebetz in the GazettE BALLAD BEST ALBUM 「TRACES VOL.2」2017.3.8 RELEASE   
    【the first limited type】
    12 songs / digital pack
    product number: SRCL-9336
    price: 3,611yen+TAX 
    [contents] song list has not decided
    体温 (TAION)
    絲 (ITO)
    紅蓮 (GUREN)

    【regular type】
    10 songs
    product number: SRCL-9337
    price: 3,056yen+TAX
    [contents] song list has not decided
  8. Like
    Ada Suilen reacted to Shaolan974 in D.I.D. has been indefinitely on hiatus and new album release   
    D.I.D. has been indefinitely on hiatus at 2016/12/27, and Dr.壱世(issei) has departed at the same date
    their new album will be released in 2017/04 with recording support Gt.ShinyA(ex-Signal)
    they plan to release various digital singles as they have numerous unreleased songs, and after these releases the band will cease activities
  9. Like
    Ada Suilen reacted to Zeus in #90: RED INVISIBLE by RAZOR   
    | An edgy visual kei band I can get behind.

    BORN went through two name changes and many more concepts, but underneath it all, average riffcraft and a lack of identity painted them into a corner they couldn't compose out of. By the end of their career, BORN lacked presence and looked better than they sounded. In constant, upstart visual band RAZOR has a large presence from the beginning, with opener "ANOTHER" featuring crunchy bass and drums pummeling enough to get the energy going. There's a visceral edge to this band I haven't heard in a while and I welcome it.  Ryouga can also be found alternating between his own brand of vocal fry, demented ranting, his comfortable range, and some high pitched singing I haven't heard before. The use of auto-tune toes the line, but it's tastefully applied so I'll let it slide.
    RED INVISIBLE's core formula will be familiar to fans of BORN, but it is fresh enough to remain exciting. Each song offers something unique and they often take a turn towards the demented right at their most predictable which makes them interesting. "ギブミー不気味" (give me bukimi) is the best example of such a track, but most songs do it in their own fashion. "MISSING PIECE" is my least favorite track; as the token ballad of the mini, it would be better if the vocals weren't layered with unnecessary distortion and that annoying eurobeat synth was removed entirely. It's just a mess. A handful of sudden transitions and mid tempo choruses elsewhere constrains the band a bit, but there's so many ideas packed into six tracks that it will take a few listens before I tire of this. By the end of opener "RED ZONE", I've been presented with more than enough reasons to go back.
    It's so refreshing to see a visual band with some energy successfully channel it in their first release. RAZOR closes the door on 2016 with a bang. This is a band to keep an eye on.
    Support the band!

  10. Like
    Ada Suilen reacted to Ito in 25 Days of ChristMHas! The Staff Album Picks of 2016.   
    Day 24: siraph by siraph 

    Release Date: 2016-05-18
    Label: NBC Universal Entertainment Japan 
    Genre: Pop Rock/Electronic
    Impressions from @Zeus:
    Impressions from @CAT5:
    Impressions from @Original Saku:
    Impressions from @Ito:
    Sample song:
    Buy the album:
  11. Like
    Ada Suilen reacted to Ito in 25 Days of ChristMHas! The Staff Album Picks of 2016.   
    Day 25: 鵺-chimera- by ギルガメッシュ (girugamesh)

    Release Date: 2016-01-20
    Label: Danger Crue Records
    Genre: Visual Kei/Metal
    Impressions from @doombox:
    Impressions from @togz:
    Impressions from @ShanethVarosa:
    Impressions from @emmny:
    Impressions from @Ito:
    Sample song:
    Buy the album:
    CD Japan | iTunes | Spotify | Amazon
  12. Like
    Ada Suilen reacted to The Piass in New single/album from A9   
    A9 has announced that their new single "MEMENTO" will be released on 2017.02.28. Furthermore, a new album is planned to be released in April. 

  13. Like
    Ada Suilen reacted to Ito in 25 Days of ChristMHas! The Staff Album Picks of 2016.   
    Day 23: 第六作品集『無題』 (Mudai) by downy

    Release Date: 2016-09-07
    Label: felicity / Space Shower Music
    Genre: Post Rock/Shoegaze
    Impressions from @togz:
    Impressions from  @Zeus:
    Impressions from @CAT5:
    Impressions from @Original Saku:
    Sample song:
    Buy the album:
    CD Japan | iTunes | Google Play | Spotify | Amazon
  14. Like
    Ada Suilen reacted to Ito in 25 Days of ChristMHas! The Staff Album Picks of 2016.   

    Release Date: 2016-04-27
    Label: Terakoya Records
    Genre: Visual Kei/Metalcore
    Impressions from @Zeus:
    Impressions from @emmny:
    Impressions from @tetsu_sama69:
    Impressions from @Seimeisen:
    Sample song:
    Buy the album:
    CD Japan | iTunes | Amazon
  15. Like
    Ada Suilen reacted to Ito in 25 Days of ChristMHas! The Staff Album Picks of 2016.   
    Day 22: アトム 未来派 No.9 (Atom miraiha No.9)  by BUCK-TICK

    Release Date: 2016-09-28
    Label: Victor
    Genre: Visual Kei/Industrial
    Impressions from @doombox:
    Impressions from @Zeus:
    Impressions from @ShanethVarosa:
    Sample song:
    Buy the album:
    CD Japan | Amazon
  16. Like
    Ada Suilen reacted to The Piass in Blesscode will disband + best-of release !   
    On 2017.04.27, BLESSCODE will disband.  You can read the members' comments on their website.
    A best-of called  "BLESSYOU-Complete Best-" will be released on 2017.03.01. It will cost 3456 yens. (thanks Shaolan974) 
    01. new song
    02. Belfry
    03. Galaxia
    04. 慟哭
    05. シアン
    06. BRAVER
    07. Butterfly Zone
    08. Endless Hope
    09. 想い月
    10. 白夜に一雫
    11. 陽炎
    12. FAKE STAR
    13. Eau de toilette
    14. LoneBeauty
    15. 解放VOLTAGE
    16. Bizarre

    01. 再生 
    02. Beautiful World 
    03. Judgement 
    04. インモラル 
    05. Lucid 
    06. white
    07. Regret Love
    08. 虜
    09. Imperial City
    10. wanderer
    11. 色ノ無イ夢
    12. Gone With the Wind
    13. CROWS
    14. Anti Liar
    15. new song
  17. Like
    Ada Suilen reacted to hiroki in MIZTAVLA new mini album "零 (Rei)" release   
    The title of their new mini album is finalized as "零(rei)" (5 songs, 2,268yen), which will include the song "LOVE666"

  18. Like
    Ada Suilen reacted to Muskito in MIZTAVLA new mini album "零 (Rei)" release   
  19. Like
    Ada Suilen reacted to Alkaloid in MIZTAVLA new mini album "零 (Rei)" release   
    MIZTAVLA new mini album "零 (Rei)" will be released at 2017/1/11, although further details have not been announced.
  20. Like
    Ada Suilen reacted to Serox in Vo. DaISUKE (THE SOUND BEE HD) Will form a solo project!   
    Vocalist Daisuke (The Sound Bee HD) has formed a solo project and will hold its first live on February 18, 2017 at Ikebukuro Cyber in an event sponsored by Starwave Records.
    Band participants :
    - Syokudaikakkokai
    - Kalavinka
    - Begirama
    - Kasumi Birds Orchestra
    - Scarlet Valse
    - Misaruka
    (Details of a new CD or future concerts have not been announced yet.)
    Source : http://simplog.jp/pub/tw/27796252/32

    DaISUKE Official Twitter : https://twitter.com/daisuke_side?lang=it
    DaISUKE Official Blog (Simplog) : http://simplog.jp/top/2584347799
    DaISUKE Official Blog (Ameblo) : http://ameblo.jp/dsb-sync/
  21. Like
    Ada Suilen got a reaction from Mamo in [Band Battle] JILUKA vs. FIXER   
    Interesting choice...
    I didn't like Jiluka on their early times, then they become so blasting after their comeback from the hiatus, with each release better than the previous!
    About Fixer, I got more on them since they joined Starwave Records (the same name album was promising and even MaercS was a good one)
    So I go for Jiluka!
  22. Like
    Ada Suilen reacted to Mamo in [Band Battle] JILUKA vs. FIXER   
    Many people seem to think this and I agree. I only wish that D.I.D. would get back to doing something. Hopefully they don't disband but I'm pretty uncertain about their future especially since their ohp went down. But anyway yes D.I.D., FIXER, AND JILUKA are indeed the holy trinity of vk metalcore. Although personally I think D.I.D. is on a whole different level compared to the other two. Perhaps it's because they're slightly more seasoned especially Akane. 
    Btw almost time for "Divine Error" 
  23. Like
    Ada Suilen reacted to IGM_Oficial in [Band Battle] JILUKA vs. FIXER   
    I wish that there was a split between Jiluka and Nocturnal bloodlust.
    Let me dream alone
  24. Like
    Ada Suilen reacted to Ito in 25 Days of ChristMHas! The Staff Album Picks of 2016.   
    Day 19: Hallelujah by the Novembers

    Release Date: 2016-09-21
    Genre: Alt Rock/Shoegaze/Post Hardcore
    Impressions from @togz:
    Impressions from @fitear1590:
    Impressions from @Zeus:
    Impressions from @Seimeisen:
    Sample song:
    Buy the album:
    CD Japan | iTunes | Spotify
  25. Like
    Ada Suilen reacted to Alkaloid in Initial'L new single "VISION" release   
    Initial'L new single "VISION" will be released in 2017/3, although further details have yet to be announced.
    btw "VISION" will be ending theme for new drama "スター☆コンチェルト~オレとキミのアイドル道~ (Star☆Concerto~Ore to Kimi no Idol Dou~)"
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