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Posts posted by Shir0

  1. I scored 24... that's more than I expected haha

    at last it looks well-balanced imo :3


    Authority: 6.00

    Self-Sufficiency: 6.00

    Superiority: 3.00

    Exhibitionism: 4.00

    Exploitativeness: 2.00

    Entitlement: 3.00


    and Vanity: 0.00 xD

  2. lol though you don't like the eclipse pv it was the reason for me to give them a try and listen to their songs  ^^ and I'm glad that I did, they're awesome *-*

    I'm not sure which single I like the most.. I'd say every single xD but especially the first one

    I'm looking forward to their new release Haakana. The PV SPOT looks really promising to me and it should be released in 8/9 days if I remember correctly?


    btw I hope Kuruto is fine it's been already 4 months since his leg was/is injured does someone know something new about it? he should be fine by now.. I guess?

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