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Posts posted by Shir0

  1. Akane just posted this.




    Really interesting.

    It's more than interesting ! To read this makes me really happy I feel so proud of him!! he's really open minded in this text and it's good to see he came to the conclusion, be yourself. It sounds so simple but it takes more than this and he just showed it's possible to overcome these dangerous negatives thoughts I wish him all the best to continue like this and I look forward to what we will see of him in the future

  2.  (but then we don't have any preview of their new sound yet only a trailer. Maybe they still end up sounding completely different than AvelCain)


    I hope you're right D: I quite like their style although it reminds me a BIT to much of AvelCain

    (still confused about Genki.. )

    but if they sound completely different like you said AND good too I'd be REALLY happy :D

  3. I don't know much about their old concept (only saw some pictures of their old look) but there's a HUGE change imo

    some of you already noticed their new concept is similar to AvelCain and so was my first impression of them /:

    especially after I saw Genki's tweet, is he copying Karma now? ._.









    I listened to Gemini to know how they might sound it wasn't bad, now I'm curios about how much they'll change now

  4. after dyeing my hair black my mom is much more worried now that I turn into a goth who only wears black (haha cliche)

    she likes my make up but hates the way I dress so I thought it's okay when I dress 'normal' once in a while for her sake

    the reactions at school were rather shocking haha

    her reaction when I opened the door:

    Mom: "Eeeww! you seriously went to school like that?"

    Me:    "eh...yeah nice greeting, I'm also happy to see you mom. so that's how you thank me for trying to dress a bit more 'normal'?"

    Mom: "Awwh thanks & yeah you look waay better in this... but it would suit your outfit more if your pants were black they're kinda gray-ish now

                anyway you seriously used that makeup? don't you think your eyes are a bit too dark? don't use so much black eye shadow!"

                lol I did it like I always do..


    Oh mom... :') *headshot*

  5. “Theatrical blue black” VISULOG Interview translation




    so excited for Theatrical blue black & their upcoming album after reading this interview!


      Hahaha ^^ -> Tsuzuku: Basically, I’m girly and I want to be cared about (laugh). Meto plays guitar too *-*  even if it's just for a moment 

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