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Posts posted by Shir0

  1. I just noticed that Karmas & Harus (SCAPEGOAT) make-up/hair looks quite similar on these pictures

    -almost same contact lenses

    -same labret piercing

    -black 'panda' eyes with red eye shadow below

    -straight pony with a gap on the left side

     the only differences are Karma's red lipstick, Harus bloodspattered face & Karmas dragon tails

     btw this doesn't mean I dislike it





  2. Damnit Shir0... You did too well. How am I supposed to make fun of this?


    ..should I take this as a compliment you bully? hahaha

    now you REALLY have to keep your word! :D



    second one! i have a thing for lipstick, and you look hot.

    Thanks (: good to hear a opinion from someone who likes lipstick

    I'm still not used to this 'bright' red but as long as it's close to Karma's look the second one might be really better?

  3. I want to cosplay Karma from AvelCain but I really could need some help >< his make up don't work on me, I feel like a prostitute xD

    these are two versions AND PLEASE don't tell me 'they look similar' because it's not D: take a closer look & be helpful please ;D

    I know that I still need to dye my hair black don't pay attention to it this is just the make up test & I don't know which one to choose

    If you've any suggestions how I should do it feel free to tell me (;


    first verison: (reminds me more of Ryogas current make up tbh, I don't use much red lipstick on this)



    second version: (with red lipstick, I used more black eye shadow and no Kajal)


  4.  you're also a fan, correct? I remember (my memory is shocking by the way, I only hope I'm not embarresing myself already) you had commented/posted about the bands and I squeeled. I just thought, 'horray, another fan!!' and wished to speak with you. ><




    YES :D I was also on one of their concerts, in germany ^^ & I'm always happy so hear about other Lycaon fans ^^ yeeah! I'd like to speak with you too :D

    I see you like AvelCain, Awoi, (started to listen to them a few days ago) & D'espairsRay *-* I think we'll get along well! :D

  5. I can understand you pretty much it's not easy when you live around people who don't share the same interest as you

    and you can't talk to them about new bands, releases, etc. but it's nice to see that you took the first step to introduce yourself

    and I'm sure everyone here welcomes you :D I hope you'll enjoy your time here and I'm certain that from time to time

    you'll get more open minded to leave a comment here and there ^^ btw I LOVE you're Yuuki gif <3 ! you like Lycaon? :D

    and Mejibray too? *-*

  6. yuuki as a blood splated nurse tho, best cos play for me or wait is he making fun of old school? haha

    I usually love Yuuki in his awesome outfits but.. was this supposed to make me fangirl? I saw many girls

    in nurse costumes or cosplayed (& I thought it looks good if not even gorgeous) but this is too much I feel irritated-angry because he looks waay to good in it? I never thought I'd get jealous over a guy!

  7. OR you could circle your head and post it in the "Show Yourself" thread :P



    yeah I'd do it if I wouldn't look so stupid on it xD why did you have to choose THIS picture Ryoga?!




    Yeah I mean, all the JRock artists are thin but Yuuki's whole face and chest area looked so.. fragile. I'm just always shocked because they do look even thinner in reality than they do in the videos.

    And the venue.. I'm supposed to be at work right now, but I "paint"ed you something XD






    lmao this sketch ;D now I understand what you mean it was really weird xD but it was good for those who couldn't stand the pushing and shoving in the crowd and had to get out a bit

    but tbh it wasn't that bad although many people warned me to NOT go to the first & second row I expected much more pushing etc. but I was okay I only felt the pain afterwards lol

  8. You're blonde right? Are you like right next to his face? - But there are more blondes in the picture (K for example ha-ha..), I guess..



    well kind of it's now more a mix of darkbrown and blond but yes there were many blond haired girls

    no no it's okay you don't need to look for me °-° please don't XD



    But Yuuki looks so damn thin...

    Plus, I forgot to mention this: The venue fucking sucked. I hate those kind of venues where the crowd is not completely enclosed, but a side is left open. Feels weird, esp. if you're further in the back and not in a big pile of mushed together fangirls haha.


    I know and not only Yuuki but Satoshi too I thought he might get hurt when he stage dived because he's so thin but they're almost all thin in general?


    you mean because there was a kind of tribune on the right side? 

  9. They "stage dived" like crazy,



    Yeah thanks to that I made it into the second row (thanks Ryoga) and all I did is 'TOUCH THEM ALL !!'

    there was no barrier so I successfully could touch everyone except Ichirou and Zero


    I still have this smell of Ryoga in my nose (or was ist Yuuki? someone of them wore perfume .. or it was their shampoo? idk xD)

    Both were amazing!! BORN played all the songs I wished for *-* and Ryogas smile is adorable ;D

    Mio did a great job as bassist :) and K stage diving without his shirt *~* asdfgshjs, Yuuki should have done the same

    but the picture Ryoga posted on twitter.. urgh >< I wasn't fast enough to look to the side but no one would

    regonize me on it anyway xD

    Sadly, Yuuki only had a small whip with him (he hit my cheek with it but not on purpose I guess

    but I'm sure blackdoll would have been happy about it lol  well, I only noticed/felt it after the concert xD)

    SHADOW sounds sooo good I'm excited for the single *-* and Yuuki got more panties and handcuffs lmao





    They're live much better !

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