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Posts posted by Shir0

  1. ^ going to ignore this for now because I can not ignore this post lol



    why does Yuuki's hair look like some half-assed ''omg i can almost be free of this v-kei shit''? 

    Its like they're almost disbanding and he doesn't even put any effort into it, that or his hairdresser sneezed while cutting him and thats why its to short xD. 



    Looool rather than he doesn't put any effort into it looks more like he can't do the hairstyles you're probable looking for

    If you followed him you should have noticed how often he changed his hair color in a short period of time beside that before the brown hair he was

    platinum blond ofc doing all of this would damage his hair. His current hair color + the short hair cut looks more like a solution to me to let it 'rest' a bit (which do many people)

    stiiiilllll he manages to make it look gorgeous<333 the evidence below:




    Here's a Tweet of when he wanted to go back to blond which is not easy to keep when you're natural dark haired this goes without saying I know pleeenty of people (including myself) who go back to brown/black hair because the hair gets thinner and thinner and starting to bleach your hair AGAIN is very exhausting

    another tweet, I know the struggle of wanting a hair color back which is so hard to keep urgh


    So yeah to think Yuuki want's to be "free" from VKor that he doesn't put any effort into it is nonesense #sorrybutnotsorry



    NOW I'm gonna follow Afernis 'advice' lol

  2. Yeeah I know what you mean now that I'm about to start my internship I've put all my contact lenses, glitter stuff, wigs, etc. into a corner and ..


    now that I look at it, has gone from punky/rock or something to all business casual clothes and uniforms.


    ...this is what I fear the most now lol



     So I think I'm easily a mediocre looking person now.


    Naah from what I've seen I think you still rock it

  3. A close friend of mine drove all the way up for a visit this past weekend. Since they opened a Round 1 in Seattle (near Seattle) we went there for "old times" sake. 

    So we ended up taking dat purikura. 

    I'm on the left or something. (*___*) /



    Awwwh cute :3 & you look pretty

  4. Thanks a lot to kyoselflove for the scans :DDD






    I'm sorry
    but I can't understand anymore

    I'm sorry. Dissapear
    I'm sorry. Dissapear
    I'm sorry. Dissapear
    「The Hypocrite」

    I'm sorry. Dissapear
    I'm sorry. Dissapear
    I'm sorry. Dissapear
    「The Hypocrite」

    I dance under the colorless sun
    by stepping on Human.


    I'm a liar. Dissapear
    I'm a liar. Dissapear
    I'm a liar. Dissapear
    「The Hypocrite」

    I'm sorry. Dissapear
    I'm sorry. Dissapear
    I'm sorry. Dissapear
    「The Hypocrite」

    I dance under the colorless sun
    by stepping on Human.

    さあ踊ろう  僕は音に揺られ

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