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Posts posted by Shir0

  1. well that's true but it's still not the same I mean 『×月×日、×××××』 is still more or less .. structured? you don't hear a sudden cut off compared to beni which sounds the same as when they show parts of their lives via Vine videos 1:13 to 1:14 being a  very good example although it could be that they did this on purpose.. I hope it's not

  2. So you even liked the beer???


    I didn't try the beer there tbh XD my brother drunk it and laughed so I figured I shouldn't even dare to try it lol beside that I'm not THAT much of beer fan anyway


    but now that Nagisa mentioned it, I agree about the fruit thing. 2 weeks without cheap fuit were okay with me but I'm sure I'd  have missed it after a while



    What I miss from Japan in Sweden


    So we're also gonna talk about what we miss from Japan too?






    I AGREEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!  I want to eat at T's TanTan again ;(

    And I fucking miss Harajuku with its weird looking people, the fact that no one really cared how I looked, how easy it was to get your hands on VK stuff, going shopping in Takeshita, how easy everything suddenly was with a Suica and oh god I even miss the music in the back before the train left whenever I'm in the munich railway station I feel like something is missing lol

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