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Status Replies posted by ChaoticEnding

  1. FFXV Windows Edition have so many problems with bugs, thats sucks., becouse the game is amazing. I hope FFXVI have some good system to PC /Windows on the future.

    1. ChaoticEnding


      Yes, I have a powerful gaming machine, it supports the game easily, but I found several problems, in addition to the small crashes, at times my character got stuck inside the car or on the wall, the lighting is another strange thing too.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  2. FFXV Windows Edition have so many problems with bugs, thats sucks., becouse the game is amazing. I hope FFXVI have some good system to PC /Windows on the future.

    1. ChaoticEnding



      I hope so. I had to contend with the performance problems of the FFXV. But I have nothing to complain about the DLC'S, they were all excellent and on the PC they worked perfectly.

      Anyway, i hope FFXVI will be good

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  3. Perhaps soon we will see the end of a nation. I hope it's not mine. A great weekend everyone.

  4. imagine hating a place for being ''disrespectful'' and STILL coming back to it multiple times for some enigmatic reason instead of just starting your own utopian community... weird

    1. ChaoticEnding


      Not everyone is perfect, we have to accept imperfections. That is today's lesson.

      I just think there are more serious things that are happening around the world, more important things. I don't like one or the other here myself, but that's it, life goes on.

      If you didn't like it here, go away and get over that frustration.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  5. imagine hating a place for being ''disrespectful'' and STILL coming back to it multiple times for some enigmatic reason instead of just starting your own utopian community... weird

  6. This was one of reasons that i leave this forum once, the people dont change. Giving a chance is waste of time. At least i am not a Hypocritical. Not anymore. 

  7. The day after I posted the for the first time since my regular hiatus, I GOT FUCKING FIRED the next day. HR suspended me for a month, then last week I had to sign my termination papers. Someone apparently said I orchestrated smoke breaks with people to go get high(I don't even smoke weed) and they didn't even drug test me. Luckily I found 2 job offers yesterday thanks to my 10 years of working Business Management and everyone hates that bitch that got me fired.

    1. ChaoticEnding


       Good luck with your future opportunities²

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  8. Am I wrong to say that Chargeeeeee... is the best drummer on the scene?

  9. Report please how many Thieves in MH steal link for own blog 

    (Not me ) (Hell Nooo ) lol 

    1. ChaoticEnding


      That would be great, I believe that by now MH should have done it, if we see the only ones harmed in this story it's all 'who' shares some material, nothing more just "if you want to get it, then post yours too." Would be great.

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  10. Madmans Esprit have so good stuff, really like \o/


  11. Report please how many Thieves in MH steal link for own blog 

    (Not me ) (Hell Nooo ) lol 

    1. ChaoticEnding


      @Sickle i had problems with these people too, they are real assh#@#@ 



    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  12. Report please how many Thieves in MH steal link for own blog 

    (Not me ) (Hell Nooo ) lol 

    1. ChaoticEnding


      Anyway, long life to ONLY BY TRADE. I hope people post less and less rips in DL. ^u^

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  13. Report please how many Thieves in MH steal link for own blog 

    (Not me ) (Hell Nooo ) lol 

    1. ChaoticEnding


      I know the owner of vrockdownloads, asianrockclub, and more, this guys have account here ^^

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  14. DEZERT new album sounds ok for me, but they changed a lot your style, the most part of their songs remember me the current MUCC.  

    1. ChaoticEnding


      They have changed their style a lot, but as I said the album is reasonable, it has good tracks, but some are very boring indeed. But Chiaki considerably improved her style of singing.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  15. DIMLIM - CHEDOARA: great 2018 VK album or greatest 2018 VK album?

    1. ChaoticEnding



      Is 2018 already over? Is it 2019? O-O OH MY GOD!!!

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)


    The real king of the visual kei xD


  17. it's 8/7 and CDJapan still hasn't shipped my DADAROMA dvd. I sent them an email yesterday to cancel the order because it's still not in shipping process and they reply that they can't cancel it because it just entered shipping process -_- cdjapan is getting so shitty lately. Fuck them

  18. SuG top 5, in no particular order:


    Smells Like Virgin Spirit






    what about yours?

  19. Ruin Mizerius PV by La'veil MizeriA  it's a really cheap clip, without much effort to get "good". Anyway I liked it and I "regret" this poverty.

    1. ChaoticEnding


      Are the members playing with a cloying white background. Thats it.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  20. I'm so glad VRZEL is including Ab Initio on the Best Album, it's one of their best songs and I was sick of looking for that CD just so I could have a physical copy of that song somewhere.

    1. ChaoticEnding


      The single version is OK, i hope one re-recording.


    My Monochrome page has presented some strange bugs. Some buttons are gone and others are out of order. In all my devices this happened. The tab for my profile appears with all buttons cleared. 

    Some things I can not even find ... HELP !! >.<

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