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Everything posted by Zalemu

  1. Move over, Golden Bomber. You got some competition now.
  2. Zalemu

    I hope Rin stays in the scene. I'll miss him and his budget Hizaki flair, if not.
  3. Zalemu

    Their World Maker album had a couple of good songs, this being one of them imo.
  4. Zalemu

    In no specific order: 1. Versailles 2. Rides in ReVellion 3. Kiryu 4. Grieva 5. Kuroyuri to Kage 6. Jupiter 7. Kaya 8. Onmyouza (not vk but idc) 9. Anfiel 10. Stigma
  5. Zalemu

    They need to slow down. i'm loving the new look though.
  6. Zalemu

    I'd be much happier with them if they'd release at least one edgy song along the lines of Knife, Daybreak, Vanguard or Resonance. Just to reassure us that they still have it in them.
  7. Zalemu

    I believe what you say sun days I'll be with wow... Her face was shining with happy I'll be with wow... I would like to be a rockar I'll be with wow... Be away rocking in sun days I'll be with wow... Stay active and stay young What self bades street Stay with me alone to sun What self bades street I believe was rocking my dream Shining what pop sun day Be awake greenness run a way
  8. Zalemu

    I know this thread is very dead but I think I am one of two lesbians in the entire vk fandom.
  9. Zalemu

    Stupid: "Buk buk." The name reminds me of a chicken or some kind of rare bird you'd find in the wild.
  10. Zalemu

    Anfiel has such nice and refreshing music. And that solo in Lamplight=melody... 👌 When I first heard them I found it boring, lol, what was wrong with me.
  11. Zalemu

    Apart from a couple of nice songs I don't see, and have never seen, what's so great about Gazette. Same for Mejibray. 420 was a decent album, THE END was up my alley but I can't get into anything else. I don't understand the Dadaroma hype. And finally, Nocturnal Bloodlust probably wouldn't have half the amount of fans they do now if the members actually wore clothes. The thirst in that fandom is real.
  12. Zalemu

    Kazuno's death. Listening to Charlotte kinda makes me sad, but only briefly since their music is so silly and happy.
  13. Zalemu

    - Old alice nine (mainly Zekkeishoku and Kasou Musou Shi) - Bou-era An Cafe
  14. Zalemu

    NightingeiL - 溺れるなら君がいい It's been soooo long since I've listened to them.
  15. my waning interest in this band has been piqued anew
  16. I like this much better than the weirdness that was リモ☆with SAVANNA P.K. ORCHESTRA.
  17. I could dig this without the unnecessary effects. It's way too much, especially that BOING BOING BOING at 1:11.
  18. They were pretty dull until Rin joined imo. He brought a bit more 'oomph' to their music with his Hizaki-stanning guitar masturbation. Then they released like 3 good singles and ran their course. But yeah, they should just disband already because giving your fans an ultimatum like that is embarrassing.
  19. Zalemu

    It's EROS all over again, like straight up. I'm cackling.
  20. That was just a PV collection. Actual new music would be nice.
  21. This band name always reminds me of this Irodori.
  22. Zalemu

    Koichi's look is pretty lulzy considering how much plastic surgery he's actually had done.
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