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Everything posted by Zalemu

  1. This is fucking fantastic. I was wondering why the vocalist looked so familiar--he's ex-Missa. And his singing is so gloriously 90s, just fuck me right up. <3
  2. Zalemu

    Welp. I sense a disbandment coming, which really sucks. I love Stigma.
  3. Zalemu

    His voice isn't TERRIBLE but I don't think he should try singing anymore, lol. His voice doesn't fit his own music.
  4. Zalemu

    I like this thread. I'm left-handed but play a rightie bass. It just feels better, idk. I believe Takuya (ex. Scarlet Valse) is left-handed.
  5. Zalemu

    So Kamijo sang while on crutches? Poor dude. EDIT: Just saw the pictures. I'm glad he didn't let his injury hinder his performance.
  6. Zalemu

  7. Zalemu

    I'm cracking up at the image of Hizaki, Teru and Masashi running and jumping around during Red Carpet Day while Kamijo is just sitting on a throne in the middle of the stage screaming "MOTTO! MOTTO!" and doing hand motions.
  8. Zalemu

    I really don't want him to leave, goddammit. Hizumi is my fave. Looking forward to the new single though.
  9. Zalemu

    Lareine - Metamorphose I love this song and listen to it damn near everyday, multiple times. Especially now that I'm trying to tab it.
  10. shine on my penis sparkle my penis wish on my penis that sparkles like gold I can't unhear this.
  11. Zalemu

    Minpha is a kawaii fakkuboi
  12. Zalemu

  13. Zalemu

    Minpha never talks, like Emiru from Lareine and Mana. It's his thing.
  14. Zalemu

    This is much better than Itsuwari no Dystopia.
  15. Zalemu

    Lmao I love Kyohei
  16. Zalemu

    I'm laughing at the Z in COLLECTIONZ because it just doesn't seem to fit the Matina aesthetic at all. Anyway, I'd like to hear this.
  17. Zalemu

    Poor Teru hasn't composed a song since like 2012 iirc. Excluding Jupiter stuff.
  18. Zalemu

    K-pop kei realness
  19. Zalemu

    The samples are pretty nice imo.
  20. Everything ゾロ released after Taizo and Yuuya's departure. ゾロ always had nice synthy electronic elements to their music but ZORO was electro overkill. Ryuuji and Tapi looked gr8 though.
  21. Zalemu

    I hate his face. That nosejob makes him look like Paris Hilton.
  22. Zalemu

    My body is ready.
  23. Zalemu

    I'm a 25, almost 26-year-old kissless virgin who hasn't done the deed because, like some people above, I don't meet people enough to get that close to them. Despite having sexual desires I don't think I can be that intimate with someone, it's kind of a scary thought. If I did get that close to someone, I probably wouldn't have sex because I feel like I'm not worthy of it. Virgin-shaming used to bother me but nowadays I just don't care.
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