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Posts posted by Aferni

  1. Okay so I had this idea from listening to AvelCain's Preview of their new song "Unrequited Love" as I brought up i could hear it being a song by THE BLACK SWAN and then Elazmus said something that sounds heavenly, A THE BLACK SWAN X AvelCain Coupling Single. I'd honestly pay to hear it if it happened, but I want to know what you guys would like to see.





    Lycaon X AvelCain

    DEZERT X Kuroyuri To Kage



    Sel'm X D.I.D.

    Grieva X THE BLACK SWAN (I fuckin want to hear a TBS ver of Dead en[D])

    D.I.D. X MBHI

    REIGN X AvelCain

    Arlequin X D.I.D.

    Arlequin X Pentagon

    (thats about all I can think of atm)

  2. I guess it takes so long, because Akane is still twisted minded about the capitalistic music industry. When I remember right he finds it unfair to take money from fans for a CD and that should be the reason why they concentrate on lives (as if fans won't have to pay for that as well).

    Yeah, it takes long and sure they will let us wait more, but I've the feeling, the single will be released in summer.


    I never knew about that, thank you for informing me.

  3.  go kill yourself. 


    oki <3



    Srsly. WTF dude. You calling yourself D.I.D. fan? Even you say they need to disband??? Are you kidding me???? 

    Be happy that they are having lives and doing something! And I'm really proud of them! Saw them live and it was so fcking strong!


    Yes I am a fan of D.I.D. , a very impatient one. Yes I know Akane has health restrictions and he has the bipolar disorder but that doesn't change the fact that I'm impatient for a single that they've not even released details on because its a "Secret". What I want to know is why is it taking so long and how and why did akane have the time to remix four of someone else's song's before even giving a slight detail on Fatal Error . I am happy that Akane has been able to change the way he see's things and is apparently genuinely happy about his overall new look on life but as I said, it doesn't change the fact that there are no details, not at least one. To be honest I love D.I.D. I really do, I'm slowly loosing faith in them as I said many times before but I want some news, actually fucking D.I.D. related instead of this airhead or whatever.  But hey, that's asking too much isn't it? Addressing the disbandment statement, In some part's of me I do think it'd be better for them to disband and reform under a different label because it doesn't seem like Danger Crue is associated with them anymore. I won't apologize for the fact that i'm impatient for their single, nor about the fact that I am impatient for news on D.I.D. . He may be having fun, and there's nothing wrong with that but he could at least fill his fans in on whats going on with the band or whatever. But hey I should Kill myself right? Right! ❤

  4. D.I.D. is full of slackers. 

    Akane is remixing shitty songs from airhead

    Satoshi is gone (lol he's riding Yuuki's Bad Vocal Spewing Cock)
    Tohma is just Idk

    Issei is still cute

    And Sho still looks like an alien.


    D.I.D. is dead. Plz disband plz. Fatal Error Race is not gonna even be reality

  5. I hate to like... accuse him of slacking... but...



    It just confuses me how he has time to play with these projects and demo recordings but NOT time to finish the thus-far one song single that MUST already have been mostly recorded ages ago....


    By this point it pretty much is slacking. Either one or two things, they need to disband or release the single, because we all know Satoshi's ass isn't coming back he just became an official waifu to Yuuki of Erizo or DOAK or whatever theyre calling themselves.

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