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Posts posted by Aferni

  1. 『明鏡止水vol.12』
    【チケット】前売¥3,300/当日¥3,800 (D代別)







  2. I hope they will come back with at least a mini, or a full album as 8 different type singles tbh.


    I'm pretty sure they'll return with a glorious punch! With their signature sound and Akane's amazing voice, D.I.D. will continue. (i hope. <3)

  3. CREDITS GO TO OBSCURE MOON! https://katatsumurikataomoi.wordpress.com/author/obscuredmoon/






    Letting loose a white puff of breath, you gazed at me
    I was weakened by the strong intent you held in your eyes
    And although I firmly restrain myself from saying anything
    I feel like I’m going to break, I cannot endure this distance
    My finger hesitates on the trigger
    So I do not move from there, and my intentions become weak
    Unsmilingly, as though I’ve given up, hey, I’m going crazy
    Just because you did not forgive me, the way you are now
    Until the end is signaled, I will not break, I will not break
    And although I’m not even able to love
    Who am I pulling the trigger for…?
    So goodbye, don’t look at me because my chest aches
    Without leaving behind painful tears, hey, I’m going crazy
    Just because you did not forgive me, the way you are now
    Like a spring breeze signaling the end, I soar and soar
    I soar in the spring wind… I soar

  4.  Adults are known to do nothing within these situations, that's why I started online classes because I got tired of getting into fights because someone wants to pick on me. Everyone I ended up befriending used and lied to me. I fought my so called "Best Friend" a week before I left school because apparently he never liked me. I tried to make friends as best as I could but it really didn't work seeing as how I'm a shy person. The few ones I made were two faced liars who ended up spreading rumors about me being gay or being a thief ect. None of the lies really added up but people believed them and avoided me like the plague. It hurt a lot for a while but I became numb to it. Surprisingly I had befriended a new female student and we talked for a while and we became really close but it was another ruse. For half of the school year we talked and hung out and we dated for a short while but that's when I found out she was seeing another guy while with me. It honestly hit me hard because I assumed she was the only person at the school that I could trust, on top of that she talked about me behind my back, she stole from me, and acted like she didn't even know me when she was around her friends. I couldn't get the counselor to help me because it seemed like what I said to them went in one ear and out of the other, the Principal just told me he'd get to it but he never did anything. When someone else needed a problem fixed He'd hop right on it but whenever I went to him nothing happened. I honestly never understood. From then on it became stressful even waking up in the morning, I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat and my blood pressure heightened often.  As a result I have an enlarged heart and was diagnosed with Depression, I became so down to the point where I'd stay home for a week from school every other week. It's hard to trust people because most of them are snakes. Back biting, two faced snakes.

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