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Posts posted by hitsuji-hime

  1. I've been warned twice, actually. It's just that I didn't even intend to have an "annoying" signature, nor did I have any idea that there was a size limit. I just like to be fancy and overdecorate myself at times xD


    I know that my first big sig gave offense, as gifs are much slower to load especially when there's a lot (I know, I have a Tumblr xD). I'm sorry I supposedly offended anyone with my last big sig, I just still don't understand what the big deal is; I just had a big signature, nothing really offending or anything, nor were there any multitudes of gifs. There are plenty of other people with big sigs, but aren't getting shit for that. :/ sorry again.

  2. I agree, but being warned for having a big signature is....kinda dumb, really. I honestly don't understand why that's such a big deal. All it takes is just 0.5 more milliseconds of scrolling to get past it, and that's it. Just like scrolling thru someone's long post, or reading thru an article. Then again, they're not my rules, so I have to stand by them anyway.

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