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Posts posted by hitsuji-hime

  1. Emlibeur will disband after their live at Shinsaibashi FANJ-twice at 2014/11/10 as Vo.ひろゆ(hiroyu) will depart due to his worsening throat problems


    ...that's it? Well, that's a sad and quick way to end...they were kinda good too :/

  2. The comment says that he received an important offer for a project that is happening during Femme Fatale's national tour, and that he didn't want to it down despite FF's lives being scheduled first. He also added that he doesn't want to avoid creating problems to the band in the future as well and didn't mention other reasons.

    I guess the other members got mad at him for his request to postpone/cancel/not take part to the tour. The above mentioned tour is actually in January, so I don't think he would quit so suddenly (less than two weeks) if they were still on good terms.


    Thank you so much. Poor Charge...:/

  3. Did Kaya himself say he is leaving because he is too ugly ? I doubt it. I never expected him to stay since I know Chargeeeeee is a music whore and he sticks with many projects. In fact I tought Femme Fatale would be one of those session bands that only release 1 CD, but the fact that you guys are more worried about him looking good or not instead of their music is what disgusts me about VK fans.




    But really, I (google) translated Charge's comment, and he had said that certain other band events had interfered with Femme Fatale's schedule. I guess he was too overwhelmed...if I'm wrong, feel free to correct me, I'm not good at Japanese.

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