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Posts posted by hitsuji-hime

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jLIoSWnMkHw



    ^ My reaction to The DBZ Fanbase


    Jesus gawd, tell me about it - Super Saiyan Bardock travelling to the distant past to beat Freeza's ancestor?? Rejecting the Bardock special to the point where it totally fucks up the whole anime's storyline THIRTY YEARS IN THE MAKING??? SSJ4 BROLY??! FREEZA COMING BACK IN THE NEW MOVIE?!?!?!?!? BITCH REALLY????????


    All because some fantards weren't satisfied with the final product, especially with how stupid and pointless GT was.

  2. It'll probably be a good game but I think the Dragon Ball franchise has kind of died down. Bandai attempted to hype up Digimon recently with that fighting game as a reboot and it failed miserably. The only thing that'll help reboot franchises would be to actually take some time with the games and do a crap ton of advertising.


    And Toriyama and co. are trying too hard to bring back DB with the shitty movies, shitty games, and shitty manga (Dragon Ball Minus...really?!). All they're doing is answering fanboys' wishes and having them jack off to that shit without giving any explanations about how it happened in the first place...and the latest movie (which comes out in 2015) is COMPLETE SHIT. Just look it up and see it for yourself. Even most of the fanboys hate it already!!

  3. Tenkaichi 3 Imo was actually pretty good. It felt sleek and and tight. Budokai 1-3 and Tenkaichi 3 > Everything else


    Another aspect about Tenkaichi 3, It's large roster, like very large.


    That was the only thing that was good about it. I remember that shit coming up constantly on the commercials xD Good times....


    But anyway, let's hope to get Xenoverse, so that when we meet up in-game, I'll kick your ass with my character! ;D

  4. After Budokai, they just became uncreative and just didn't care anymore. (How in the fucking hell is Tenkaichi 3 the best-selling game?!?!?! D:) Hopefully this game changes things...and I wish we could have Dragon Ball Heroes here too. :/

  5. I really love the fact that we can create our own characters now!! However, the character creation options are just...bland. You're stuck with the default setting of a muscular man and a petite girl...let's just hope that that's just the demo, and that they'll be cooking up more options as they go. I also don't like the quotes that you have to use on the chatroom when you're in the multiplayer mode, but I believe that's just the demo also.


    Other than that, I haven't had a chance to watch much gameplay yet, but I'm really excited for this game! The graphics are amazing, so I hope the developers don't screw this game up! (because personally, the games that came after Budokai 3 sucked ass, and the only good games that came after are only available in Japan ;A; )

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